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I want to schedule the FSRestoreValidation workflow for automated restore testings. Because this workflow is designed for interactive queries, it doesn´t work as anticipated.

My tries to modify the workflow wasn´t successful.

Is there and easy way to modify the workflow to use parameters instead of interactions?


Thank you and best regards Christian

@Christian Maureder , can you copy the Workflow and edit that version?

Sharing the doc for this Workflow as well:

How do you want to actually use this?  I ask because I’d like to know more about how you’d prefer to provide the inputs and see what we can come up with to make that happen.

Adding @Chris Sunderland as well for any advice.

@Mike Struening I can copy and edit the workflow, but I am suffering on experience in editing worklows.

My customer has the requirement for regular restore tests. For small vms, we schedule virtual lab restores, but the fileserver is to large for this. 

Because we have only one fileserver, we can set the variables in the workflow, or submit them as parameter in the schedule.

Our vision is, that the customer get an email every monday, that the restore of 10 random files is fine. He can check the files and has a documented restore test for the auditor.


Thanks in advance.

Appreciate the context!  So we want a scheduled Workflow to do randomized restores, then send a report on the success/failures.

This brings up a few questions/considerations/possible concerns:

  1. Are we only concerned with File System?  What about VSA, Exchange, etc. iDAs?
  2. Would the client utilized be random, or just the files that get restored?
  3. What will you use to randomize the file list (or even the client names)?

It’s a cool idea for sure.  We might have other tools that provide a similar feature, though I’ll have to look a bit.

If anything, this might be a CMR, or a possible job for our Personalization team.

In my simple use case, we have one client. The existing workflow is doing the randomization for the file list. 

My challenge is simple: schedule an existing workflow with parameters.

Ok, that makes things much easier then.

I’ll defer to @Chris Sunderland , though in this case you should be able to edit the Workflow itself and just go to each item and manually enter your required client/folder names, etc.

It’s a lot easier than it seems.  Each part of the Workflow will have various Inputs.  These are ;likely set to ‘prompt’ at the moment.  You’d just change them in the copy of the WF to your hard coded preference:

  • For the Source Client input, select the client where you backed up the data.
  • For the Backupset input, select the backup set containing the subclient.
  • For the Subclient input, select the subclient that contains the data to be backed up.
  • For the Restore Client input, select the client where you want to restore the backed up data.
  • For the Restore Path input, enter the location where you want to restore the data on the destination computer.
  • For the File Size Less Than input, enter the minimum file size limit in kilobytes.
  • For the Email ID input, enter the Email ID where the restored file report is sent to.
  • For the Random File Count input, enter the number of files with the specified minimum file size limit to be restored .

You can view the system variables for this Workflow via these directions:

Can you confirm, that the wizard block has to be removed to allow the workflow to be scheduled without an interactive session?

Simply setting defaults in the inputs and disabling the “start interactive session” option end with

“Error Code: C19:857] Description: no interactive session available”


I’ll defer to @Chris Sunderland here.  there are likely other calls to the wizard that I am not aware of that need to be addressed.

The best thing to do here is to create three workflows.  The main workflow will have all the pieces in it which does the work.  Then you would have one interactive workflow which is used from the UI’s to gather the information from the user and then calls the main workflow with those parameters.  Then the last workflow is the one you would schedule with whatever inputs you need it to have and then calls the main workflow with those parameters.

If need be, you can upload the workflow and I can check and see how this would work with that you have.