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We are currently implementing Commvault, transferring from TSM, and Teradata is part of this. The plan was to use the Commvault Workflow integrating with the arcmain utility.

arcmain is going end of life and customer will update to the new dsa integration for exporting (backing up) data. 

Is there any plans from Commvault to provide an updated workflow for this any time soon.


Hi Patrik

Thank you for letting us know.

Although there is currently no support for Teradata Data Stream Architecture (DSA) and Data Stream Utility (DSU), Development are aware of Arcmain end of life and are working to accommodate Teradata DSA and DSU in future releases.

I’ll go ahead and mark your reply as Best Answer to close off this thread now.



Hi Mike,

Sorry for the late reply.


As I told Stuart...

At this point the customer is moving from arcmain to DSA in their Teradata system.

In this environment we have NetApp for backup storage and parts of it will be used for Commvault DiskLib and other part will be for Commvault orchestrated Snapvault.

At this point the integration with Teradata will be to dump data to an NFS share on this NetApp storage and keep a number of versions there. This share will be mirrored to another site. All this will be managed by a tool in the customer environment that also handles this today. So the plan to use the Commvault workflow is currently not in scope anymore.


We can put this on hold for now, at least for this customer. I would guess that others may have the same request for an updated workflow in the near future though.


Appreciate your professionalism and action to assist with this.


@Patrik , did you hear from anyone on this?  I was able to get someone to reach out to you.

@Patrik , looking to get an answer on this one.  Should have something in the next day or so.

Hi Stuart, 

We have not started the Commvault implementation yet and just recently found out that arcmain utility is going end of life. The workflow we are referring to is the current version in Store. 

Implementation, replacing TSM will start in a few weeks and we need to sort out how to integrate to the new Teradata DSA (Data Stream Architecture).


Hi Patrik

Thanks for the question, I will need to check internally with the migration team and get back to you.

Please would you confirm the workflow version you are currently using to integrate with arcmain?


