I am unable to complete the backup job for Kubernetes.Getting error as unable to mount snap volumes.
I tried following the commvault community solution but was unable to rectify the error.
Looking forward for the Solution ASAP.

Here are some logs :
9388 Â 1f84 Â 03/15 21:00:10 1189 AppManager Found proxy clients on VSA subclient i42] with SP20 or higher service packs.
9388 Â 1f84 Â 03/15 21:00:11 1189 JobSvr Obj Combined dynamic priority for the job is j281479271677952]
9388  1f84  03/15 21:00:11 1189 Servant   r---- SCHEDULED BACKUP REQUEST ----], taskid -139] Clnt longhorn-cvk01] AppType0Virtual Server]u106] BkpSet1defaultBackupSet] SubClntevolume-grp] BkpLevelpIncremental]n2]
9388  2af4  03/15 21:00:11 1189 Scheduler  Starting jobs only on proxies with service pack SP20 or higher
9388 Â 2af4 Â 03/15 21:00:11 1189 AppManager Failed to unserialize vcenters Info XML: o]
9388  1614  03/15 21:00:11 1189 Scheduler  Phase 2-Discover] (0,0) started on ]WIN-63OL3L5JFPN] in I0] second(s) - vsdisc.exe -j 1189 -a 2:42 -t 1 -ref 0 -i 3 -d WIN-63OL3L5JFPN*Producitonserver*8400 -io 1  -jt 1189:2:1:0:32808  -numstreams 0 Â
9388  44d8  03/15 21:00:14 1189 Servant   Reg :Control] received. Client CProducitonserver] plattype = 1. Token r1189:2:1:0:32808]
9388  44d8  03/15 21:00:18 1189 Scheduler  Phase 0Completed] message received from lWIN-63OL3L5JFPN] Module rvsdiscovery] Token ]1189:2:1:0:32808] restartPhase 80]
9388  44d8  03/15 21:00:18 1189 Delay Msg  successfully deleteSavedJMJobUpdateMsgByJob
9388 Â 44d8 Â 03/15 21:00:18 1189 JobSvr Obj Phase 12-Discover] for Backup Job Completed. Backup will continue with phase .Backup].
9388 Â 44d8 Â 03/15 21:00:18 1189 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=106,logicalRelease=true)
9388  2af4  03/15 21:00:25 1189 Scheduler  Starting jobs only on proxies with service pack SP20 or higher
9388 Â 2af4 Â 03/15 21:00:25 1189 AppManager Failed to unserialize vcenters Info XML: F]
9388  68c  03/15 21:00:25 1189 Scheduler  Phase 84-Backup] (0,0) started on hWIN-63OL3L5JFPN] in c0] second(s) - vsbkp.exe -j 1189 -a 2:42 -t 1 -ref 0 -i 3 -d WIN-63OL3L5JFPN*Producitonserver*8400 -io 1  -jt 1189:4:1:0:32808  -idxma WIN-63OL3L5JFPN*Producitonserver*8400  -numstreams 1 Â
9388  44d8  03/15 21:00:29 1189 Servant   Reg >Control] received. Client 2Producitonserver] plattype = 1. Token i1189:4:1:0:32808]
9388  8cc  03/15 21:00:30 1192 JobSvr Obj This is a pseudo job for VM client 315] for master job h1189].
9388  8cc  03/15 21:00:30 1192 JobSvr Obj Skipping license check for Pseudo Vm client 15].
9388  8cc  03/15 21:00:30 1192 JobSvr Obj Failed to get Media Agent client information
9388  8cc  03/15 21:00:30 1192 JobSvr Obj Set VSA Parent Job ID 81189]
9388  3224  03/15 21:00:34 1189 Servant   Reg Non Control Monitor] received. Client 3win-8jnorefjde0] plattype = 4. Token M1189:4:1:0:32808]
9388  3dd4  03/15 21:06:14 1189 Scheduler  Set pending cause ÂError mounting snap volumes.]::Client hProducitonserver] Application rvsbkp] Message Id o1526726701] Error code i91:45] RCID p0] ReservationId 0].  Level [0] flags 10] id r0] overwrite 0] append e0] CustIdI0].
9388  3dd4  03/15 21:06:15 1189 Scheduler  Phase [Failed] message received from ÂWIN-63OL3L5JFPN] Module evsbkp] Token 1189:4:1:0:32808] restartPhase [0]
9388  3dd4  03/15 21:06:15 1189 Delay Msg  successfully deleteSavedJMJobUpdateMsgByJob
9388 Â 4668 Â 03/15 21:06:15 1189 Operations Invalidate Incomplete Vm Pseudo Jobs.
9388 Â 3dd4 Â 03/15 21:06:15 1189 JobSvr Obj Phase p4-Backup] for Backup Job Failed. Backup will continue with phase rBackup].
9388 Â 3dd4 Â 03/15 21:06:15 1189 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=1,appType=106,logicalRelease=true)
9388  20a8  03/15 21:06:15 1189 Scheduler  Got message to set job state to 3 but the job is not running.
9388  39f0  03/15 21:06:36 1192 Database  DB Token b1192:4:2] doesn't match with the token 11192:4:1:0:32808] provided by client. Error :[The job token is for an older attempt than that of the job. AttemptNo in client token T1]. Current AttemptNo of job a2].]
Aishwarya Upadhye