CloudActivity.log 7040 25b8 12/27 15:42:59 ### 7CVMountd] Message: AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header 7040 2ab0 12/27 15:42:59 ### 2CVMountd] GetFileSize() - Error: Error = 44106
What changed with FR26? I already tried with new access keys and it didn’t help. There is not time difference between MA and S3 server. FR24/25 MAs don’t have such issues.
Thank you.
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Update - the issue was resolved by installing the Diag2063 on MediaAgent. Big thanks to Karthik and the rest of you guys!
Hi! StorageGRID (extra logic on top of SANtricity) and FAS/AFF (ONTAP) are two completely different systems.
I tried with an extra reg key but it didn’t work. ONTAP S3 requires signatures v4.
I sent you log file as requested.
I really appreciate your help guys!
Thanks euMike.
We have local test account StorageGRID/11.6.0. and there it is working . Want to confirm what is difference in Server: NetApp CSS/9.9.1P5 ,
We need following to trouble shoot further.
Can you please send the current CloudActivity full log to me at
One more case to try , please set this Reg key ncloudAWSV4 to value 2 at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\Galaxy\Instance001\MediaAgent like below and rerun the job and let us know it worked or not . Please share the cloud Activity log for this also .
Hi there!
I did some testing.
I tried to create a new cloud library twice - first time with FR25 and then with FR26. Same bucket, service host, credentials.
MA FR26 - failed, date header errors
Host: <s3 service host> User-Agent: APN/1.0 CVLT/1.1 CVRF/2.0 Accept: */* x-amz-date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:51:47 GMT Authorization:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### #CVMountd] == cURL Info: Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### #CVMountd] <= HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### #CVMountd] <= Server: NetApp CSS/9.9.1P5 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### CVMountd] <= Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:51:47 GMT 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 7CVMountd] <= Connection: Keep-Alive 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 4CVMountd] <= Content-Length: 158 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### :CVMountd] <= Content-Type: application/xml 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 1CVMountd] <= 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 5CVMountd] == cURL Info: Connection #1 to host <s3 service host> left intact 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### :CVMountd] GET 403 Time:0.019 Size:158 Speed:8117 B/s NAMELOOKUP:0.002 CONNECT:0.013 PRETRANSFER:0.015 STARTTRANSFER:0.015 http://<s3 service host>/<bucket>?delimiter=%2F&prefix=<bucket>%2F 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 9CVMountd] Message: AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### CVMountd] CVRESTBaseRemoteFile::SetRESTErrorCode() - Error: Message: AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 0CVMountd] == cURL Info: Found bundle for host <s3 service host>: 0x1907b9b2f60 :serially] 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### /CVMountd] == cURL Info: Connection 1 seems to be dead! 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 1CVMountd] == cURL Info: Closing connection 1 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 0CVMountd] == cURL Info: Hostname <s3 service host> was found in DNS cache 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### CVMountd] == cURL Info: Trying <s3 service host IP>:80... 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 8CVMountd] == cURL Info: Connected to <s3 service host> (<s3 service host IP>) port 80 (#2) 13200 1728 01/05 19:51:47 ### 2CVMountd] => DELETE /<bucket>/dfaksdhfuq43yAF9834fmabvfjhFDGgv8743rvbfdabuyewbasdfahdDCCZfabdfbchasd HTTP/1.1
Based on CloudActivity log x-amz-date format has changed with FR26 and ONTAP S3 won’t accept it.
Thanks Mike.
No change in that class. In our local setup it is working fine, We need the cloudactivity log with debug level 3 when issue is happening . From the Commvault Process Manager , under Logging tab, select the CloudActivity log and set the debug level to 3. Once issue is reproduced , please revert back the changes , once you collect the logs paste the error .
I am not sure what is NFR license restriction to open Ticket .
@euMike , any luck on the upgrade back to 26? Tagging @Karthik in case he missed the last reply.
Hi Karthik,
No option to open support ticket due to NFR license.
I tried downgrading MediaAgent back to FR25 and the issue was resolved immediately. I will wait for aux copy to complete. Then I can upgrade it back to FR26 and collect new logs.
I suspect that FR26 comes with updated/changed date and time classes/JDK or something like that. Can anyone from Commvault confirm this?
It complaining no valid data header. Please set the debug level 3 for CloudActivity log and rerun the job to get detailed error. Please escalate to Commvault support team to collect the log to check this issue.