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We have holds configured in the storage policies to reflect backups to be retained for about 7 days, 1 cycle. Now, when I browse the CV_Magnetic folder, I still see V_## folders from years and months ago in them? shouldn't they be automatically deleted after the 7day retention period or am I just missing a configuration setting somewhere?

Can old folders be deleted? 



You can format the drive if not needed anymore. Other option will be to remove the jobs/policy or plan/Disk library to allow their deletion but maybe it is late for that.

We have copied the folder into new hardware for perparation for hardware refresh steps.
But now we need to delete the folder as we changed the plan.

But it seems now we can’t delete the folder for not having enough admin right. (specifically we can’t delete .cvsivolume and .prunable file).

Could you suggest the solution here?

If you are using CommVault deduplication, your current active jobs are referencing to unique blocks from old and expired jobs so do not delete anything from the storage.
