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Can you please explain to me what is the difference between Device Streams, Data Streams and Readers ? And what is the efficient way to use them in Commvault? It would so good if you had some smart explanations.

Greetings, Eugen

Is it then correct if I simply increase the number of streams (readers) and device streams to maximum and Commvault will decide for itself which number of streams and device streams it will use?

Hello @Eugen 

I have never found the need to manage it on this granular of a level. 

if you have enough device streams on the storage policy and media agent then manage each of the stream count on the subclient level if you need it to be higher or lower than the default. 

There is no Correct or incorrect answer on how many streams as it comes down to how many you environment can handle. 

Kind regards

Albert Williams

Thanks Albert,

Can you please tell me based on the following example how many readers and streams I should set in the scenario and where do I do that? Suppose I have a VM with 2 single disks C:\ and D:\, here I select 2 data streams and 2 device streams? And how many readers?


Another example, I have a VM with a single logical disk that physically consists of 3 disks, then I select 3 data streams and 3 device streams, is that correct?

Hello @Eugen 

Thanks for the question, i think this answers you:

Please advise if you have any further issues. 


Kind regards

Albert Williams
