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Hello all,


I have an auxiliary copy with deduplication running to a Glacier and i would like to run a DDB Verification on it, just to see an estimate cost for future verifications.

What i would like to know is how do i use the workflow Cloud Storage Archive Recall for every job id that is referenced in that DDB, since in the workflow window it makes me choose a backup job id.


Kind regards,



Hello Jmiamaral,

It might be best to contact Amazon and ask them how much it would cost to egress all of the data you have stored rather than actually egressing the data, incurring cost.

DDB Verifications against deduplicated data backed by Archive\Glacier storage are not recommended specifically due to the cost incurred from retrieving the data from the Archive\Glacier bucket.




@Collin Harper 

Sure i can do that, but what about my main question?

Kind regards,


There is no way to run the workflow “for the whole DDB”. It would have to be done by individual job associated to the DDB. There used to be a manual way to recall the data (we may have removed the steps from our documentation and the procedure deprecated) but it would still require you to browse each job to generate a chunk listing, then run CloudTestTool to rehydrate the data.

Additionally if the data is direct to Glacier than dedpending on the amount of data, recalling all of it may not be feasible. This is because Direct to Glaicer does not honor recall retention and data is again de-hydrated back to Glacier after 24hrs. This means if the recall takes more than 24hrs, the first data would be dehydrated while the recall job is still running.




A custom workflow may be possible, but that would require Professional Services to design for you.


@Collin Harper 


Ok thank you for your insight :) 


Kind regards
