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We are trying to perform DR test, by installing commvault and adding the Commserve databases from DR backup. Installation went fine and Commserve is running, now all of the storage libraries are offline. I have copy of the data from a mount path that is unavailable but I am unable to do move mount point operation or import the backups.


Mount path used in production is a CIFS share and in DR environment I also have a CIFS share that has all of the data from production copied. So my question is how do I move mount path from production (which is offline in DR) to new CIFS share (that has all the data).


I have also tried to change the device name to the one used for primary mount path but did not work.

Hello @AEC 

A move mount path workflow and job is going to validate the data as it is moved and then clean up the source. In your case you are not moving the data, just changing the way it is accessed. 

All you should have to do is add or change the “shared mount path” settings to be the correct path.
If its new servers accessing just add them in. 

Java GUI » Storage Resources » Library » right click a mount path » share mount path. 

In there you just need to change it to be correct based on the new environment settings. 
Please advise if this has answered your questlines.

Kind regards

Albert Williams
