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i would like to know if is possible to move tape to default scratch pool automaticly when data is aged



Hey @virgil !

Tapes will automatically move to scratch once they are aged; however those tapes are not aged yet.

The date listed there only factors in the BASIC DAYS age of each individual job, but not other factors.

To get those other factors, we’ll need a Data Retention Forecast and Compliance report.  Can you run that report for only HEBDO - S2 / Primary_Global and HEBDO - S1 / Primary_Global?

Once the report comes up, let me see what you get for each of those barcodes.

hi mike,

i lauch Data Retention Forecast and Compliance report .

I noted that for example for the tape RA0513L8,  there were backup jobs fo Index server but they just retain until 26/06/2021 .

I see  that in doc :


Applies to Indexing Version 2 only. Index backup requirements that control aging have not been met. Note that:

  • Index data cannot be aged until the requirements described in Index Backup Retention have been met.
  • The schedule policy used for backing up Indexing Version 2 indexes is one created for that purpose, not one used for general backup operations. See Index Backup Schedule for details.


Can i exclude index server backup from tape to avoid this or there is an another method ?


Hi @virgil

Regarding your question for excluding Index Server backups from tape, this can be done via the Selective/Synchronous Copy (Primary_Global) that writes to these tapes.

When you view the properties of that copy there is a tab “Associations” which lists all of the Clients utilizing this Copy. If you do not want future Index backups from these _IndexServer clients to backup to to Tape you can remove their association this way.

Please note however this will not remove the already written Index Backups on those tapes. Additionally, retention will not be met for these index backups as not enough Backed-up versions are going to be copied to your Secondary storage. The below doc goes into detail how Index backups are cleaned up:


Let me know if you have questions on this!

thanks for your answer Greg, it ‘s clear.

Just one question. is there any problem to not copied index server on tape ?




Can i apply this this below doc to pruned index server backup on tape ?

Hello @virgil,

That link to documentation is about a different type of indexing jobs than the ones you are seeing on your tapes. I would suggest you get a ticket opened to check why the jobs are not aging properly. It could be that index backups in general are not working as expected which could affect your ability to browse/restore jobs in some instances. Same goes for copying the indexing jobs to tape. In a DR scenario it may help to browse/restore jobs if the disk library is not available but the tapes are.

I open a ticket with support.

thanks for your help


@virgil , please share the case number so I can track it :nerd:

Hi mike,

ticket number 210720-292

thanks a lot

hve a good day.

Ok i close the ticket, support help me to resolve the problem/

thanks Mike

Hve a good day



Sharing the solution here:

Go to the Property of the Auxcopy and remove this Client from the Associations tab.

