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One Media Agent with 2 StroreOnce Aux Copy erros



Recently we had to make a configuration with:

1x CommServe
1x MediaAgent
2x StoreOnce Catalyst


MediaAgent and the 2 StoreOnce are Connected through Fiber.


Backups to the first StoreOnce Catalyst works fine without any errors but when we initiate  Aux Copy from the First StoreOnce to the Second StoreOnce its say its fails due to Chunk errors.


Any ideas about the Configuration we need to follow in order for the Aux Copy to succeed ? 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +23

How long ago did you configure your StoreOnce - can you check out this KB?

Badge +2

Hello Damian,


So the Configuration for the StoreOnce was about a month ago and the release for the Commvault Software  i’m currently at is 11.28.63.

please for your feedback.



Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hello @Nondas 

Was it working fine before? As a test, could you please try to send a small test backup to 2nd StoreOnce from the same media used in AUX copy and see if that’s working? 


Rajiv Singal

Badge +2

Hello guys, 


sorry for the delayed response, so in order for the replication to work Zoning is requires between the two StoreOnce. so problem solved and thanks for your assistance 

Userlevel 4
Badge +11

Hello @Nondas 

Thanks for the update, I am glad the issue has been resolved. 


Rajiv Singal
