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We make daily backups of our servers.

Every month we write the backup data on tapes.

The retention period for these tapes is one year.

For December, we create an end-of-year backup with unlimited retention time.

Our goal is to have an annual backup for December and reuse the remaining months' tapes after one year.

Due to server retirement, there are monthly tapes that we cannot reuse without first deleting the contents (Retain time until: infinite). If we do so, we lost data.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Hi @DanielK , quick question…..are these end of year tapes on their own Aux Copy, or are you using Extended Retention to keep that last full forever?

Not that Extended Retention will catalog all of the backups per subclient, and keep the last one that ran for the year, regardless of when it ran….it only cares about the current last backup for the time period as it stands right now.

That means a 1 time backup that ran in August will be held forever.

If you run a Data Retention Forecast and Compliance Report for this Aux Copy, you should see why each tape has not aged yet, and perhaps look for some jobs that don’t fit your expectations.
