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I need to remove the Sealed DDB Partition in the commvault.

This DDB isn´t in use, the last write in 2015, just for a test.

someone has a procedure to remove?

and i have another DDB partition in the same DDB, and is recording.

i need just remove this DDB Partition because the sever will be turn off.


Hey @Fernando Souza !  Are there any jobs associated with it?  Even a single job will keep it there (otherwise it should age off on its own).

Can you check the Copy this Store is assigned to and see if ANY jobs are unaged between Mar 3 2015 and whenever the next store was created?


Hello @Mike Struening 

I run Data Verification to verify if there is job in the DDB Partition.

If don´t have a job, i need to remove this and how to remove this partition?


Considering the time frame, it’s entirely possible you have a ‘stuck job’ in the database, which will require running a query to get the job ID, then a qcommand to prune it out.

Let me get those details for you.

Hello @Mike Struening 

Need to remove this DDB Partition, It´s OLD data and doesn´t need anymore.

i need to erase, have a procedure to remove?


There is!  I reached out to a support engineer who will update this thread.

Hello @Fernando Souza,

If you have access to the SQL studio manager on the CS, below queries can be run to confirm if there are any jobs stuck in the DB for the DDB store from 2015.

use Commserv

select * from idxsidbstore

[this will list all stores, identify and make note of the store id for the one from 2015].

Next run the following query to list jobs associated to this DDB.

use Commserv

select * from archjobsonstoreinfo where storeid = n

[n = store id for the DDB from 2015]

If this query outputs any jobs, You will have to run qoperation per instructions in BoL link for qoperation agedata


Thank you,

In fact, if there are Jobs, they are to be removed, i want to delete existing DDB, because the date are in another DDB. 
Is there a problem to remove? I think no.
i know that don´t have data. and i run “Data Verification” but i saw the jobs and the jobs are old(2015, 2017) and i am waiting for finish. 

Then, i just remove DDB, is there a problem?

Do you have a procedure for delete DDB?

@Mike Struening and @Sandip Domadia 

Hello @Fernando Souza ,

If these old jobs are no longer required, you can delete them. Afterwards run a Data Aging job. Once these jobs are pruned and are no longer referencing any data in the DDB, the DDB will be pruned. 

Thank you,

Hello @Sandip Domadia @Mike Struening 

i need to remove DDB.

But when i try to remove receive this error:
"unable to delete this global deduplication storage policy"


Hello Fernando,
I would recommend opening a support case so a Commvault engineer can assist with the process of removing the sealed DDB.

Thank you,

@Mike Struening @Sandip Domadia 

I open a case, thanks.


@Fernando Souza thanks for the update!  Can you send me the case number?

@Mike Struening 


Hey @Fernando Souza !  Do you know the current status of this?  I see a few days ago there was a remote session, though the session today was missed.

Notes from the last session below for context:

--On the session, We could see multiple storage policies associated with this DDB

--Storage policies configured with multiple copies. 

--We need to delete the storage policy copy to delete DDB and decommission MA 

few storage policies are not allowing to promote the secondary copy to primary copy.

Adding the solution:

As per you verbal confirmation, we have promoted the primary copy which is configured pt-act mediaagent to tape copy/migration copy and deleted the primary copy.

-->post deletion of all associated storage policy from "<Name Removed>" we have deleted the dedupe database.

-->Deleted the media agent successfully. 

Hello @Mike Struening 

Commvault support solved this issue.

Remove all SP from the DDB and put this DDB to a secondary copy and removed.

I was not go along this issue, my workfriend go along.

