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Hello everyone,

At my DR site I use HP MSA disk devices for CommVault backup storage and they are currently over 86% full.  I have asked my manager to add the cost of another MSA to the budget and she’s asking for growth rates to ensure that one MSA will be sufficient.  I’m searching for that information and am not able to find it even though (I would have thought) that this is a pretty basic information.  I did find the “Disk Library Growth Trend” report but don’t trust its numbers as the used space and free space increase at the same time despite the fact that the total storage has remained constant.  I’m not sure where it’s getting its information but, well, it just doesn’t make sense.  Screen capture below.

So my question is:  How can I find a storage growth rate to use for media agent capacity planning?



Found it.  It’s on > Reports > Disk Library Growth.  Perhaps someone from CommVault could look into fixing the Disk Library Growth Trend report from my original post.  It’s kind of frustrating to have to access multiple locations to find the one report that is accurate.




Hi Ken, 

Please can you raise a ticket with support to look at the Disk Library Growth Trend report and why the free space went up with the used space but the size of the library was consistent.  Please supply the commserve db with the logs and the the sample reports. 

Sorry about your frustration with the multiple locations for the reports. Starting from 11.25 we are starting to move reports into the Command Center so we do understand your frustration and are already working to centralise. 


Hello Blaine, 

Yes, I’ll open a ticket on this.  I was playing with it and found some weird behaviour.  When I run the Disk Library Growth Trend from Dec 31, 2020 to today, it shows the weird anomaly above where the Data Written and Free Space go up in tandem even though the size of the storage has not changed.


But if I change the start date by ONE DAY to Jan 1, 2021, I get a totally different report.


Weird, huh?  I’ll open a ticket.


Hey @Ken_H , once you open a case share the number with me so I can track it.


Hello @Mike Struening ,

Apologies, I should have added this to the thread yesterday:  Ticket 210705-405 has been opened and a copy of my CommVault database has been uploaded to help with the investigation.


No apologies needed!


Hey @Ken_H , looks like dev created the report for you:

The Dev team has released the fixed version of the Disk Library Growth Trend report to
It can be download here:!/135/665/13075
I see there was a question about what you were seeing vs. our engineer so I’ll await that closure before marking this as answered.


Thanks Mike, the original report showed both used and free space when selecting just a single library versus the new report which only shows the used space line.  That’s fine.  I’ve emailed support and told them the new report works properly and the ticket can be closed.

I’ll mark your reply with the link to the new report as the solution.


You’re awesome, thanks @Ken_H !
