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Currently, we are using CV version 11 build 80 for one of our applications. Can you please help us to know which database tables will help us to retrieve the Agentless  backup information.



Good morning.  Can you please clarify what you mean by “Agentless Backup Information”?  if you want to see all jobs that would be the table “CommCellbackupInfo”.

Yes, basically agentless is - “Virtual Server Agent (VSA) package is installed on selected servers to provide protection for virtual machines, without the need to install an agent on each guest VM. A machine with the VSA installed acts as an access node, also called a VSA proxy(also called agentless).”

As we are interested to get the status of CommVault Backups if they are performed through a proxy ( i.e. VSA).

And for that we need database tables that can provide this information.

@Maggie , you should be able to get that data from this view:

We do now store job IDs per vm backed up via a VSA proxy, so you should be able to filter out any results you don’t need here.

to add, the official answer for getting any info out of the CS database is to use the Views.  there are a LOT of them for pretty much every use case.



Thanks @Orazan  and @Mike Struening  for the helpful replies.

I tried to check CommCellVMBackupInfo in our CommVault configuration( version is Commvault 11 build 80).However, don’t see any such view whereas CommCellBackupInfo is visible.

For CommCellVMBackupInfo view, do we need to configure VSA(s)?

Please suggest!


@Maggie , I’m not 100% sure, but I would expect the table to appear if you have a VSA configured in the CommCell.

Do you not have any Virtual Server Agents configured yet?

@Maggie , following up on this one.  Based on your reply, it sounds like you don’t have any VSAs configured (which is why the report is blank.

Can you confirm?