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Hi everybody!

We are in the middle of a storage migration at our remote site. In that site is configured the aux copy that acts as the source of the Live Sync. There the storage is going to be retired soon so we would like to know if there is a supported procedure to move locally the contents of this Selective Copy to another new one in the new storage avoiding to send the data through the WAN. Some questions about the procedure are not clear because:

  1. An aux copy between Selective Copies only copies Fulls so how can we copy the last incrementals?
  2. In order to allow the new source of Live Sync to be able to receive the incrementals from the Primary copy (headquarters) must be modified by the command:

qoperation execscript -sn DisablePreviousJobsOnNewFull -si @i_SPName = 'storage_policy_name' -si @i_CopyName='selective_copy_name' -si @i_Set = '1'

          but we don’t know if it is possible to have 2 selective copies with the same configuration in the same Storage Policy.


We would be very grateful to know your experiencies and comments about this. Any information or successful procedure that some of you has followed would be also very appreciated.



Hello @Prosol 


The best way to migrate data between your storage is to create a Synchronous Aux copy with the source copy pointed to the current Selective copy in use.


The synchronous copy is the only way we will copy the incrementals along with the Fulls. Once the data has been fully copied to the new storage, you can now convert the Synchronous copy to a Selective copy.


Then modify the Selective copy criteria required to copy the Live Sync data moving forward, and run the required scripts as you have mentioned.


Let me know if this answers your question or if you have anything additional? Thanks and have a great day

Thanks @Matt Medvedeff for your reply but according to our previous tests it is not possible to create a synchronous copy as destination of a selective copy.

@Prosol , question regarding your reply...if you have a Selective Copy, how are there Incrementals on the copy?

Hi @Mike Struening, the incrementals are there because it is an “special” configuration that you must enable on your Selective Copy according to the following specifications:

Ah, I see now.  Appreciate the link.  I’ll defer to @Matt Medvedeff who knows this topic far better than I do.


Thanks @Matt Medvedeff for your reply but according to our previous tests it is not possible to create a synchronous copy as destination of a selective copy.


Ah yes, a Selective cannot be the Source copy of a Synchronous copy. 

Would you be able to modify the source copy from Selective to Synchronous? Then you would be able to use it as the source for the new copy, then complete the Aux copy, and modify the new copy from Synchronous to Selective.