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Hi ,


Just to check and confirm with the community here , are we able to execute an out of place restore of SAP Hana from a physical server/host to a ESXI environment?

Customer primarily run their SAP hana on physicals servers but they are exploring instances which they can do testing of SAP hana instances on their esxi farm.


Hi @lawysy 

There won’t be any issue in restoring backups from physical machines to VMs. Just need to ensure the compatible HANA versions are present.

Are they running backint based streaming backups or IntelliSnap?





@Sunil ,


Ok thanks for the confirmation. Is there anything or caveats to take note if they are running either streaming or intellisnap backup ? Currently we are in the presales/proposal stage . It is open to the customer for either methods.


Nothing I think of. Both are expected to work.



