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From time to time there are those that have backups for clients that were once protected by pre-V11 agents that have since been unlicensed and protected by classic v1 indexed VM backups. There are odd occasions when this Known Issues for VMware VM-Centric Operations ( gets me tripped up when I want to move to VM Centric, but it becomes a show stopper because of the number of agents that would have to be rolled out and then release the license on each one. I’d love to know if there is a way around it, like doing an offline client update; or where possible, batch rename the hostname of the pre-V11 clients so a new virtual client object is created?

Hi @Anthony.Hodges 

Thanks for the question, looks like your referring to this item in Known Issues for VMware VM-Centric Operations:

  • If a VM has a Version 10 Commvault agent installed, a backup of the VM fails if the parent virtualization client uses Indexing Version 2.

After an internal discussion around this topic here in support, there a little too much info and investigation needed to address this complex issue here.

Please raise a support case so this can be looked into more deeply. If you don’t mind, PM me the case number that we can track and provide some guidance here for the Community once we have the issue resolved.



@Anthony.Hodges , just looked for a support case for this and not seeing one.  Did you get this resolved?


Hi @Mike Struening I have just raised the case.

Hi Anthony

Thanks for PM the case number, I’ll track and see if we can get some guidance here for the Community once the case is resolved.



This issue is now fixed through Hotfix # 3533 and 3516) on top of FR20.

Thanks Alireza,

This issue and its resolution for 11.20 is discussed under

Looking through my cache of CV Downloads it looks like #3516 has been implemented in 21, 22 & 23 too; however #3533 is in 11.20 only.  Is the ETA for 11.21+ scheduled for in the MayMaintenance Release?

@Anthony.Hodges looks like it’s in 11.21.30

I’m not seeing it listed on the documentation page (I’ll reach out to our doc team on that) though it is hotfix 2386.


HF3533 should be SP21-HotFix-2386 SP22_SP22-HotFix-2395 and 23 looks like it’s ‘baked in’, not a specific hotfix.
