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Hello All, 

Today we have received the task from Business to restore some file from Linux VM in AZURE. Media Agent is only Windows VM and during the process of restore indexes in Commvault Commcell Error appeared. And my question do we have some workaround in that case to restore the file from that type of backup? 

I see two options: 

  1. Restore whole machine and reassigned disk to production server and then copy file between the locations. 
  2. Create a new one Media Agent built on Linux OS and restore the data directly to the server.

But I am looking for some abother option which can be performed in that type of case. I will be very graceful for any adviceories or any ideas. 



@Michal128 , option 2 is definitely possible.  you could restore the VM, mount it, then look for the files (and just copy them over).

I would like to know more about the Index error.  Can you share those details?

Are you able to browse the files of the Linux VM, or is that the step which is failing?

Access Nodes and File Recovery Enablers for Linux

If you don’t have a FREL deployed, Windows cannot see the files inside a Linux VM.

I’m assuming we’re talking about VSA backups of a Linux VM, not a FS Agent backup.


As @Scott Moseman said, you dont need to replace your media agent with Linux, you can deploy a ‘FREL’ virtual machine which can read files from linux guests. However, since that is not ‘free’ in cloud, perhaps its a more economical option to use a linux MA, especially since they can now recover windows (NTFS) files for windows guests, so it covers all scenarios (FR24 onwards):


I checked the possiblity of restore to server as entire machine and copy data between the servers. As @Damian Andre  mentioned the server is in AZURe (Public Cloud) and I am not sure if the customer will be glad to extra pay for machine which will be used only for restore perspective and even for some files. 

About the error which appears dugint the atttempt of restor is: 

“Browse failed due to error while mounting virtual machine: FREL name is empty: File Recovery Enabler for Linux hasn't been set for this client. (CV.0x8).”

As we see on the sentence above the problem is with mounting virtual machine. 



@Michal128 , the error is showing that there is no FREL vm to use.  In order to read the Linux File System, a FREL is required because the Windows servers cannot read the Linux file system.