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I have VM backup configured at vCenter level.

I do have separate service account configured to access the vCenter and it does have Admin level permissions.

Now, i do see that the service account do have interactive login enabled.

Is it ok to disable the interactive login?

will it disrupt any work functionality if disabled?

I do see from Knowledge base articles that the account should have Admin level permissions and then we are good to go.

Just need this doubt to be clarified before I disable the interactive login.

Hello @kiran 

Interactive login is most likely required even tho it is not explicitly stated here:

I don't have VMware setup in my lad to test but you could do the following:

→ Apply the security settings so the service account cannot login

→ Navigate to the content section of the subclient and attempt a browse

If you can browse, you are all good. If it fails, we need the logins. 


Please report back here after the test to keep us informed as well. thanks!

Kind regards
Albert Williams

Hi Albert,


Thanks for the update.

I use same service account for both production and non-production.

Need to check the right time to test it.

Will update once I test it.



Regards and Thanks

Kiran Kumar
