Hello Community
I’m trying to schedule mssql db clone via Command center, and there is no such option.
Looking to clone db via CV API or Sending QCommands as a API Json request
While manually creating mssql db clone via command/admin center, noticed there is a Json Post Request Payload for instance clone. Search in CV BOL, and nothing but how to View DB Clone via .py script

the db clone has a payload request, from where I can find the related Post Request Syntax (example: 'http://<webserver>:port/SearchSvc/CVWebService.svc/databases/Action_XXX/clones_XXX') for mssql DB clone, thanks
Sending QCommands as a API Json request
CV Syntax example is for XML and I want to make it work for Json.
Can I use ‘inputRequestJson’ to get Json Request Payload that shows in above screenshot?