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Hi All,

i need help to create a powershell script using REST API command.

i don’t found a lot of documentation for the specific use of REST API in powershell.

in the community in have found a sample for POST LOGIN 

$headers = @{}
$headers.add("Accept", "application/json")

$username = "user"
$password = "passwordtoencode"
$encodePassword = convert]::ToBase64String(nText.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($password))

$body = @{username=$username;password=$encodePassword;}

$response = Invoke-RestMethod 'http://hostname/webconsole/api/Login' -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body $($body | ConvertTo-Json )


But somenone have sample for all kind of REST API sample ?

Thank in advance


@christophe , have you checked out the examples on ?

That page has pretty much everything (and if it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll get it addressed) :nerd:

@christophe I would recommend looking into the PowershellSDK which simplifies the consumption of the APIs while using Powershell. And if you are running FR26 already then I have good news because development release a brand new version today! 

V1 version:
V2 version (requires FR26):

V1 documentation →