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Hello Team,

I am trying to Set Up Alert Notifications to Save to a Local Drive in text document.

Link to the documentation:

I have set everything as it is described in the documentation but seems to not working at all.

After the setup we have some failed backups, but nothing in the directory where i set to go the files.

The configuration is at follows: All Clients, All Agents, Notification criteria is only Failed and skipped jobs. I have set the local directory where to be saven the file, interpersonate the user, token  Alert: <JOB ID> Status <STATUS>. Everything seems to be set as expected but still not received any file in the directory.

If someone have some similar configuration could you please share with me ?


Thank you in advance!


Great question @KrisKrastev !

Have you confirmed that you have had a failed job since creating this?

One thing to note is that you may not need to impersonate a user if its a local drive.  That’s usually the cause in these types of issues.


Hello Mike,

Thank you for your reply.

Yes, we have failed jobs after the configuration of the alert.

Over the night there are no generated files in the configured directory.

Now i have removed the interpersonation to check if this can help us.

Will keep you updated.

Thank you.

Great, keep me posted.  You can check alerts.log, sentalerts.log, and evmgrs,log and cvd.log just to be thorough for more details.

@KrisKrastev , gentle follow up.  Did removing the user credentials resolve the issue?

If not,  check alerts.log, sentalerts.log, and evmgrs,log and cvd.log and share the details.

Hello Mike,

It seems that the authentication was not the issue, it was actually the body of the alert.

It was empty because we want only description, but when some text was inserted into the body the issue was fixed and alert started working as expected and files were generated.

Anyway we found better way of configuring such alerts using Operation - Admin alerts.

Thank you for your cooperation, this topic can be closed.


@KrisKrastev , glad to hear you found a solution!  Fixed the Best Answer to reflect your reply here.
