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Try to find out more about the Yandex search results "Error code: [14:139] Description: The search for results in Yandex could not be viewed."
Task logs:

Machine : msk-cvcsc01
File    : JobManager.log

9684  2864  04/19 08:57:23 898884 CVTHREADSTART newRstRequestThread(void *inArgs) Got userId r279] in request.
9684  2864  04/19 08:57:23 898884 Servant    n---- IMMEDIATE RESTORE REQUEST ----] Task id T898884] Clnt8MSK-DAG01] AppType Exchange Mailbox]M137]
9684  5228  04/19 08:57:24 898884 Scheduler  Phase e2-Restore] (0,0) started on] in o1] second(s) - CVMailRestoreCoordinator.exe -j 898884 -ccid 2 -c MSK-DAG01 -restore  -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696  -mt 1
9684  1488  04/19 08:57:24 898884 Servant    Reg SControl] received. Client rmsk-cvpxy01] plattype = 4. Token t898884:2:1:0:0:19696]
9684  1488  04/19 08:57:26 898884 JobSvr Obj CVRstJobInfo::updateInfo Resetting successful and Fail counts
9684  1488  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Servant    Reg 9Non Control Monitor] received. Client imsk-cvpxy01] plattype = 4. Token 1898884:2:1:0:0:19696]
9684  3868  04/19 08:57:42 898884 Scheduler  Set pending cause dBrowse failed during searching for results in the index.]::Client tmsk-cvpxy01] Application [CVMailRestoreCoordinator] Message Id r234881163] Error code I14:139] RCID 0] ReservationId 90].  Level R0] flags n0] id .0] overwrite f0] append d0] CustIdw0].
9684  3868  04/19 08:57:42 898884 Scheduler  Phase 7Failed] message received from] Module MCVMailRestoreCoordinator] Token M898884:2:1:0:0:19696] restartPhase 40]
9684  3868  04/19 08:57:42 898884 ArchiveMgr JMArMgr::releaseAllJobStreams() Calling CvResourceManager::releaseJobStreams(jobType=2,appType=137,logicalRelease=true, retainStreamsForIndex=false)
9684  3868  04/19 08:57:42 898884 JobSvr Obj Phase 2-Restore] for Restore Job Failed. Restore will continue with phase Restore].

Machine : msk-cvpxy01
File    : CVMailRestoreShadow.log

16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 **** CVMailRestore.exe started with command line e-client -j 898884 -mt 1 -vm Instance001 -ccid 2 -restore -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696 -c MSK-DAG01 -a 2:36 -provider MAPI -BKPSetType 1 -agent msk-cvpxy01_Remote0 -cn msk-cvpxy01*msk-cvpxy01*8400 cvsport:64135:0 cvsmyplatform:2 cvsremoteplatform:4 -vm Instance001 ]
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CvNetworkPool::initNetworkPool() - Creating the control thread
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Azure app list is empty.
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Failed to get the Azure App ID.
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid eS-1-5-21-2173371606-1833505904-3337662087-290316] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user
16916 3a20  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CreateProcessAsUserW(CVMailRestore.exe -client  -j 898884 -mt 1 -vm Instance001 -ccid 2 -restore -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696 -c MSK-DAG01 -a 2:36 -provider MAPI -BKPSetType 1  -agent msk-cvpxy01_Remote0 -cn msk-cvpxy01*msk-cvpxy01*8400 cvsport:64135:0 cvsmyplatform:2 cvsremoteplatform:4 -vm Instance001 -userproc)

Machine : msk-cvpxy01
File    : CVMailRestoreCoordinator.log

17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:23 898884 **** CVMailRestoreCoordinator.exe started with command line e-j 898884 -ccid 2 -c MSK-DAG01 -restore -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696 -mt 1 -cn msk-cvpxy01 -vm Instance001 ]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:23 898884 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:24 898884 CvNetworkPool::initNetworkPool() - Creating the control thread
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:24 898884 Azure app list is empty.
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:24 898884 Failed to get the Azure App ID.
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:25 898884 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid 9S-1-5-21-2173371606-1833505904-3337662087-290316] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:25 898884 Fetch local job directory for restore to PST / Disk / XML. C:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\iDataAgent\JobResults]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Failed to get all MailBox list.
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Exchange Restore Restartability is enabled, as nExchDisableRestoreRestartabiliy registry key is set. restart path C:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2\898884\RestartDB.dat
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Number of mailboxes/tasks to process : 9 1 ], Proxies 8 1 ]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Max agents per proxy                 : 1 20 ] , per service account 15 ]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Max streams for job                  : 3 12 ]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 Starting a total of 1 agents
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CVRemoteAgentServer::AddAgent() - Added Agent 6msk-cvpxy01]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CVRemoteAgentServer::StartRemoteAgentWithCVD() - Launching Remote agent 8msk-cvpxy01_Remote0] executable RCVMailRestore.exe] on*msk-cvpxy01*8400*8402] with args [-client  -j 898884 -mt 1 -vm Instance001 -ccid 2 -restore -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696 -c MSK-DAG01 -a 2:36 -provider MAPI -BKPSetType 1  -agent msk-cvpxy01_Remote0]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:26 898884 CSessionConnectionSocket::Listen() - IPv4 bound to port 64135
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:27 898884 CVRemoteAgentServer::StartRemoteAgent() - Started Agent amsk-cvpxy01_Remote0]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:27 898884 ExAgentCoordinator::OnIdle_Starting() - All Agents have initialized, Number of Agents ready o1], Agents failed to start )0]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:37 898884 Assigning data ]\MB\{D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF : 01 Crypto} : 1] to agent Amsk-cvpxy01_Remote0]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:40 898884 ExAgentCoordinator::OnMsgAgentRestartTaskProperty() - TaskProperty xml:8<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><ExchangeVirtualAgent_EVCAgentTaskUpdate taskGUID="1"><property name="STREAMING_FILE" value="C:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2\898884\D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF\IndexingQueryResults.csv"/><property name="STREAMING_OFFSET" value="1"/><property name="RESTORE_STATS" value="<?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; standalone=&quot;no&quot; ?>&lt;ExchangeVirtualAgent_MailboxRestoreStats TaskNo=&quot;1&quot; TotalTasks=&quot;1&quot; bytesRead=&quot;0&quot; failedItemCount=&quot;0&quot; indexingGUID=&quot;D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF : 01 Crypto&quot; ineligibleItemCount=&quot;0&quot; processedItemCount=&quot;0&quot; skipOrFailureReason=&quot;0&quot; status=&quot;0&quot;>&lt;additionalStats name=&quot;IndexResFileItems&quot; value=&quot;0&quot;/>&lt;additionalStats name=&quot;IndexResFolderItems&quot; value=&quot;0&quot;/>&lt;/ExchangeVirtualAgent_MailboxRestoreStats>"/><property name="CONTROLLER_STATE_FILE" value="C:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2\898884\D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF\IndexingQueryResults.csv_RestoreState.xml"/></ExchangeVirtualAgent_EVCAgentTaskUpdate>]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:40 898884 Data h1] returned by agent gmsk-cvpxy01_Remote0] without processing, set it as not processed, and mark it blocked for the agent
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 ExAgentCoordinator::MarkDataFailedIfItsBlockedByAllAgents() - Data 4\MB\{D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF : 01 Crypto} : 1] marked as FAILED as its blocked by all running agents
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 ExAgentCoordinator::OnIdle_Running() - All the controllers are in suspended state shutting down all agents in 5 min
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 ExAgentCoordinator::OnAgentStopped() - Agent msk-cvpxy01_Remote0] has stopped due to error A234881163 : Browse failed with error: 0xECCC0016:{IdxCvSearchReqClient::fetchDocumentsInternal(430)} + {IdxCvSearchReqClient::downLoadResults(377)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Failed to download searchResults.} : 22], running for 0.233333 min
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 CVRemoteAgentServer::MonitorAgents() - There are no running agents
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 Final Restore Job Statistics
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 Shared job specific dir F\\msk-cvpxy01\JR\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2\898884]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 Final Restore Job Stats : Mailboxes Successful : 80], Mailboxes Failed : 40], Mailboxes Suspended : R0], Mailboxes Skipped : o0], Successful Items : a0], Failed Items : ]0], Ineligible Items : 0], Bytes Read : i0]
17064 33ac  04/19 08:57:41 898884 Sending FAILED complete message to JM, 898884

Machine : msk-cvpxy01
File    : CVMailRestore.log

6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 **** CVMailRestore.exe started with command line @-client -j 898884 -mt 1 -vm Instance001 -ccid 2 -restore -jt 898884:2:1:0:0:19696 -c MSK-DAG01 -a 2:36 -provider MAPI -BKPSetType 1 -agent msk-cvpxy01_Remote0 -cn msk-cvpxy01*msk-cvpxy01*8400 cvsport:64135:0 cvsmyplatform:2 cvsremoteplatform:4 -vm Instance001 -userproc ]
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 CvNetworkPool::initNetworkPool() - Creating the control thread
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Azure app list is empty.
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Failed to get the Azure App ID.
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Exchange auto discover url: ]
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 Enable graph API 0Honored only for restore] is set to False.
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:27 898884 :msk-cvpxy01_Remote0] send ExchangeVirtualAgent_EVCAgentStartup]
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:38 898884 Restart Supported 0Yes]
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:38 898884 GetAllMBListForAD::No exchange server list given. exiting!
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:38 898884 Error reading mailbox display information, use GUID rD46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF] as SMTP
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 CVSearch Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><DM2ContentIndexing_CVSearchReq mode="4"><searchProcessingInfo><sortParams sortDirection="0" sortField="AFILEID"/><sortParams sortDirection="0" sortField="AFILEOFFSET"/><queryParams param="INDEX_ROUTING_KEY" value="D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_HIGHLIGHTING" value="false"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_NAVIGATION" value="off"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_FOLDERBROWSE" value="off"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_DEFAULTFACETS" value="false"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_MIXEDVIEW" value="true"/><queryParams param="ENABLE_MIXEDVIEWSEARCH" value="true"/><queryParams param="SHOW_EMAILS_ONLY" value="true"/></searchProcessingInfo><advSearchGrp><emailFilter><filter interFilterOP="2"><filters field="LINKS" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="0"><fieldValues><values val="\MB\{D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF}\&#x412;&#x445;&#x43e;&#x434;&#x44F;&#x449;&#x438;&#x435;\336481ef5c10f151be0c0ae429f3896a70cadfdee3e84787ed68eb1ba01c4fe8"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="IS_VISIBLE" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="2"><fieldValues><values val="true"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="AFILEID" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="4"><fieldValues><values val="0"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="AFILEID" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="2"><fieldValues><values val="*"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="AFILEID" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="4"><fieldValues><values val="0"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="AFILEID" groupType="1" intraFieldOp="2"><fieldValues><values val="*"/><values val="*"/></fieldValues></filters><filters field="DATA_TYPE" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="0"><fieldValues><values val="2"/><values val="4"/></fieldValues></filters></filter></emailFilter><commonFilter><filter interFilterOP="2"><filters field="CISTATE" groupType="0" intraFieldOp="0"><fieldValues><values val="1"/></fieldValues></filters></filter></commonFilter><galaxyFilter><appIdList val="36"/></galaxyFilter></advSearchGrp><listOfCIServer entityGUID="D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF" entityType="13"/><userInformation userGuid="230220A0-33CF-41E2-9B70-68039DFD3730"/></DM2ContentIndexing_CVSearchReq>
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 ExStreamingQuery::CreateIndexRequest() - Browse Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><databrowse_BrowseRequest opType="1" pathType="0" userName="ALROSA\adm_zastroginss"><entity _type_="0" applicationId="137" backupsetId="26" clientId="10" instanceId="9" subclientId="36"/><paths path="\MB\{D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF}\&#x412;&#x445;&#x43e;&#x434;&#x44F;&#x449;&#x438;&#x435;\336481ef5c10f151be0c0ae429f3896a70cadfdee3e84787ed68eb1ba01c4fe8"/><timeRange fromTime="0" toTime="0"/><options DoNotCacheFilters="0" PreferContentServer="1" adjustPerLastDRTime="0" browseFromCSDB="0" browseFromJobType="0" browseFromLatestJob="0" bulkOperation="0" bypassSubclientConfig="0" caseInsensitive="0" caseManagerDataCopy="0" createRestoreVectors="0" cycleBrowse="0" disableSnapOptimizer="0" doPrediction="0" downloadSystemScan="0" downloadTrueUpStubScanOutput="0" enforceSuperBrowse="0" fetchFileProperties="0" fixPaths="0" folderDelete="0" fsExtentBrowse="0" getACLs="0" hideEmptyExtents="0" imageBrowse="0" includeAgedData="0" includeAllParents="0" includeCheckSum="0" includeEndUserErasedItems="0" includeExtentCRC="0" includeMetadata="0" includeRunningJobs="0" includeSoftCommittedJobs="0" includeVersions="0" instantSend="0" internalReq="0" isOneTouchRestore="0" machineLiveBrowse="0" nasFilerType="0" nasSynthDirRestore="2" nasSynthRestore="0" nonRecursiveNASRestore="0" onePassRedundancy="0" onePassStubQuery="0" prepareSystemScan="0" pruneFromSource="0" queryAgedArchiveFileData="0" reCreateRestoreVector="0" refCopy="0" refCopyCloudMigration="0" refCopySF="0" relationshipBrowse="0" restoreIndex="0" sendBackListOfAfiles="0" sendDeletionTime="0" sendOutputToFile="0" sharedFolderBrowse="0" showDeletedFiles="0" showFavoriteAndShareInfo="0" showFolderSize="0" showLastValidBackup="0" showOnlyDeleted="0" showOnlyModified="0" showOnlyNew="0" showThumbnail="0" skipDataPrediction="0" skipIndexRestore="0" skipInvalidMimeClassification="0" skipLatestVersion="0" skipMountPoints="0" skipNasRenamedDirs="0" skipProgressMessage="0" skipSynthFullJobs="0" synthFull="0" tableViewBrowse="0" translateSyncPath="0" translateToVMReq="0" useLatestCycle="0" useUptoDateIndexOnly="0" verifyArchiverQuery="0" viewBackupCopy="0" vsDiskBrowse="0" vsExtentBrowse="0" vsFileBrowse="1" vsListVMs="0" vsLiveSyncBrowse="0" vsVolumeBrowse="0" vsaDiskLevelRestore="0" vsaFileLevelRestore="0"/><mode mode="3"/><advOptions applyStrictACL="0" copyPrecedence="0" datasourceId="0" includePsuedoItems="0" retryLimit="10" retryWaitSecs="300" skipACLChecks="0" skipUptodateCheck="0" stubAsData="0" timeoutSecs="1800" validateAfiles="0" vmCentricClient="0" windowsVm="0"><advConfig recallRequest="0"><browseAdvancedConfigReq commcellId="2" currentJobId="898884" jobType="0"/></advConfig></advOptions><queries fileOrFolder="0" queryId="0" type="0"><dataParam><paging firstNode="0" pageSize="100" skipNode="0"/><sortParam ascending="1"><sortBy val="31"/><sortBy val="32"/></sortParam></dataParam><whereClause><criteria field="80"><values val="\MB\{D46909E1X9A9EX4361XABD0X668BBD8E95CF}\&#x412;&#x445;&#x43e;&#x434;&#x44F;&#x449;&#x438;&#x435;\336481ef5c10f151be0c0ae429f3896a70cadfdee3e84787ed68eb1ba01c4fe8"/></criteria></whereClause><whereClause connector="0"><criteria dataOperator="13" field="31"><values val="0"/></criteria></whereClause></queries><queries queryId="1" type="1"><aggrParam aggrType="4" field="0"/></queries></databrowse_BrowseRequest>
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 TaskGUIDg1], Restart offset01], bFirstSeteTrue]
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 I2::CvWebSrvrClient::isLocalIndexGateWayInstalled() - IndexGateway is installed
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 I2::CvWebSrvrClient::getLocalIndexGatewayUrl() - IndexGateway Url xhttp://localhost:81/IndexGateway/api/CVWebService.svc]
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 CVCurlWrapper::CVCurlPostSubmitForm() - failed to send http req. http resp:e500]
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 Failed to download searchResults.
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 Failed to fetch documents from Search client. Error = 0xECCC0016:{IdxCvSearchReqClient::fetchDocumentsInternal(430)} + {IdxCvSearchReqClient::downLoadResults(377)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Failed to download searchResults.}
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 ExRestoreWorker::DoWork() - Error: Browse error, stop the controller
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:40 898884 ExAgentController::CompleteData() - Error: Agent omsk-cvpxy01_Remote0] Worker s14608] has reported that it could not process data, and needs to be returned to coordinator, for data 1
6668  30e4  04/19 08:57:41 898884 ExAgentController::SetFatalError() - Agent amsk-cvpxy01_Remote0] Worker 14608] reported fatal error r234881163 : Browse failed with error: 0xECCC0016:{IdxCvSearchReqClient::fetchDocumentsInternal(430)} + {IdxCvSearchReqClient::downLoadResults(377)/ErrNo.22.(Invalid argument)-Failed to download searchResults.} : 22], stop the controller
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:41 898884 Agent (msk-cvpxy01_Remote0] wait for all workers to stop
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:41 898884 omsk-cvpxy01_Remote0] send /ExchangeVirtualAgent_EVCAgentShutdown]
6668  3910  04/19 08:57:41 898884 CvNetworkPool::~CvNetworkPool() - Controller thread successfully stopped.


CVMailRestoreCoordinator logs

6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 **** CCVMailBackupCoordinator.exe] started with command line .-j 898833 -a 2:36 -c MSK-DAG01 -m msk-cvma03*msk-cvma03*8400*8402 -t 2 -r 0 -i 3 -jt 898833:8:11:0:0:19594 -mt 1 -startTime 1713470407 -cn msk-cvpxy01 -vm Instance001 ]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 Current diretory set to jC:\Program Files\HDS\Backup and Recovery\Base]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 m_strVMName 4Instance001]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 jobID o898833]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 m_CommCellID 02] , m_SubClientId 336]  
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 physicalClientName 8msk-cvpxy01]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 m_VirtualClientID D10] , m_strVirtualClientName bMSK-DAG01]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 CVImpersonateLoggedOnUser() - caching user sid S-1-5-21-2173371606-1833505904-3337662087-290316] for optimizing subsequent impersonate operations for this user
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:54 898833 Azure app list is empty.
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 Failed to get the Azure App ID.
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 Shared Job Specific Dir \\msk-cvpxy01\JR\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2\898833]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 Shared Subclient Dir \\msk-cvpxy01\JR\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\MS Exchange Virtual Agent\2\36]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 AD Server '' is configured
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 AD Server '' is configured
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 AD Server '' is configured
6208  1     04/19 02:29:54 898833  ManagedLogger::SetCLRThreadPoolMaxThreads - Setting CLR ThreadPool's maxWorkerThreads = 91000], maxIOThreads = 01000] PID = 6208], ProcessName = 0CVMailBackupCoordinator].
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:55 898833 User selected SLA option RAll] for User Mailbox subclient job
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 Either the user deleted all the old jobs from CSDB or the user did a DR Recovery.
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 No metadata to restore. User intervention required.
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 Metadata check failed. User intervention required
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 BKP CALLED COMPLETE (PHASE Status::FAIL), 898833. Token r898833:8:11:0:0:19594]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 main(98) - Failed to initialize BackupCoordinator
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 Exception raised while Executing SQLite command DELETE FROM ServiceAccountUsage WHERE jobId = 898833. Retrying..
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:56 898833 Exception raised while Executing SQLite command DELETE FROM ServiceAccountUsage WHERE jobId = 898833. Retrying..
6208  44c0  04/19 02:29:57 898833 Exception raised while Executing SQLite command DELETE FROM ServiceAccountUsage WHERE jobId = 898833. Retrying..
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 Exception raised while Executing SQLite command 1000:CPPSQLITE_ERRORl1000]: Database not open]. Command: ODELETE FROM ServiceAccountUsage WHERE jobId = 898833] Failing...
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 Exception raised while deleting job '898833' from Service Account Usage table. CPPSQLITE_ERRORn1000]: Database not open
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 Error in deleting the service account usage for jobid n898833]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 Partial Job Stats: Succeeded: T0], Partially Succeeded n0], Failed: >0], Skipped:  0], Not Run: 70]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 BKP CALLED COMPLETE (PHASE Status::FAIL), 898833. Token :898833:8:11:0:0:19594]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 JM Client  JobClient: Jobmanager replied with an error code of 43] in the acknowledgement message. Error MInvalid token t898833:8:11:0:0:19594] received for the job complete message. Error:ÂInvalid Token. Job was not found to be in running state.].]
6208  44c0  04/19 02:30:07 898833 CvNetworkPool::~CvNetworkPool() - Controller thread successfully stopped.

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