Unable to perform CV Failover due to error about sqladmin_cv login
I am completed a setup of CV failover and configured Livesync. the logshipping backup was successful and replication to standby CV is also successful. Then trying to perform failover to standby CV. During CV failover process the operation is failing due to Connecting to the database failed - error returned was Login failed for user sqladmin_cv.
Then I tried to reset the password of sqladmin_cv from SQL Server management studio but still failed to complete the failover due to login.
Would anyone has an idea on how to fix the issue?
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@r0lansaad , call support. You likely need the password decrypted/reset and that’s not something we can really do on the forums, unfortunately.
Let me know the case number once created so I can make sure you’re taken care of
In the registry under HK Local Machine - Software - Commvault Systems - Galaxy - Instance001 - Database there is a key pAccess with the hashed password, copy it to the registry key on the standby commserve and you should be fine.
That’s good thinking, @Jos Meijer !!
Thanks @Mike Struening
Hi @Jos Meijer ,
I copied the pAccess hash value to reg of standby but then run the failover but still failed. I tried to run tried to manual run the backup of subclient “CvFailoverLogShipping” i received unable to create task as well as i tried to run immediately the replication schedule also received unable to create task.
I restarted both Active and Standby commserve and tried to run the same but same issue was encountered. below are the logs seems login issue to sqladmin_cv still present.
@r0lansaad , I would open a support case for this. I was hoping @Jos Meijer ‘s idea would work, but if it isn’t then just call support.
Once you do, share the case number here.
There probably are more dependencies which are not lining up, best bet is a support case as @Mike Struening said. Normally I would offer to assist you remotely, but I am on vacation and don't have a laptop here
I just remembered that you said: "Then I tried to reset the password of sqladmin_cv from SQL Server management studio". As this password is different than the password in the registry, this would explain the error. It will probably work if you either:
- ask support to recover and re-apply the original password, or
- re-install the standby commserve instances 001 and 002, so basically removing the current failover setup and reinstalling/reconfiguring it.
The first option will probably be the easiest
There probably are more dependencies which are not lining up, best bet is a support case as @Mike Struening said. Normally I would offer to assist you remotely, but I am on vacation and don't have a laptop here
You’re still a superstar, and my hero!
@Mike Struening stop it haha, your making me blush
Hi @Jos Meijer@Mike Struening ,
Sorry, Got stuck in our daily BAU’s. By the way I reverted from snapshot for both primary and standby CS. Had a completed backup test to CvFailoverLogShipping subclient in Primary CS and completed (w/o error) a Replication test.
But when i tried again to perform test failover and failover to prod still unable to succeed. Here is the ticket I was opened 220503-152.
A few questions:
- is this the CommServeLiveSynclog for cv1_2 or cv2_2? If cv2_2 can you share the log for cv1_2?
- what happens with a failover after additional log backup and restore? I noticed a failover sometimes will not succeed directly after a full.
Hi @Jos Meijer ,
Attached are CV livesync logs from primary (cv1_2) and standby (cv2_2).
Failover still not successful even I manually run the log backup and replication (restore). I cannot see any much from the logs that will lead to something wrong. If you have time to take a look also and appreciate a lot extending your time extending to us.
It seems the final backup and recovery during the failover is failing:
2648 18cc 05/07 15:10:34 ### PerformLastSyncOperation() - The backup job failed with error [: ]
When this occurs the DB state cannot be ensured to contain the latest state and a rollback is performed. Could be a registry alignment which is incorrect. No obvious solution based on logs.
I am back home from holiday, if you want I can take a look with you via a remote tool (WebEx, Zoom, Teams etc). Let me know
Finally, I had to repeat all the installations to both instance001 and 002 in prod and standby CS and now the CV failover is working. Don’t know what I missed but happy to proceed to our next simulation with the team.
Special thanks to your assistance and inputs provided @Jos Meijer and @Mike Struening.
@r0lansaad , so the reinstall did the trick? Likely just reset things and then the Livesync synched everything properly.