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On endpoint backup plan there is option “RPO” under backup frequency is every 4 hrs. this every 4 hrs. is full backup, incremental or differential, and is there any way we can confirm the backup running every 4 hrs. is full, incr. or diff.




Hi Aju 

The first job will be as full and subsequent jobs appear to be incremental 

you can view this via the laptop section. Select a laptop and view jobs to view the history  


In the next window use the columns feature and select Backup type. this will show you the job history and backup type 


Let me know if this helps 




Thank you for your response, so first job fill be full and subsequent jobs will be incremental, does it mean only one job will be full and rest of all jobs may be run for next one year will be incremental jobs 




Hi Aju 

Yes exactly that. The change rate of data in laptops tends to be minimal. Most users tend to just add or remove documents so incremental would be the most optimal way to manage endpoint backups 



First job will be a full and from there is will create incremental backups combined with synthetic full backups who are created every 30 days, if I recall this correctly. A synthetic full is basically a full that is constructed on the backend leveraging the previous full and all following incrementals.
