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I have to perform VM machine restore from VMware Hypervisor to Azure resource manager. I was gone through below documentation and need some clarification on this.

Considerations for converting VMware to Azure VM. Below tasks must be done before starting a source VM backup.


Install Hyper-V drivers (hv_vmbus hv_netvsc hv_storvsc) on the source VM - As it’s mentioned Hyper-V drivers, So, will this only needs to be installed if source is Hyper-V VM or is it applicable for VMware VM as well?

Run the following command to modify the boot image: (sudo dracut -f -v -N) - what is the actual impact of modifying boot image and will this cause anything for source VM?

Considering the source VM OS is Red-Hat Linux - Is above two tasks are enough to start with source VM Backup or is there any additional settings needs to be changed/taken care before start with source VM Backup.


Hi @Ramkumar 

Yes. Those drivers are needed when converting to azure. Azure platform runs on Hyper-V and these drivers are equivalent to VMTools in VMware


