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NEW features and enhancements are here! 

In this release, we're excited to announce a number of new Metallic innovations including our expanded support for OCI and Azure VMs. 

And for even more information on recent Metallic releases, join our Metallic Community Live Webinar on October 27th where our experts give a deep dive look into the latest enhancements to the Metallic platform. We hope to see you there! 

  October 11, 2022 Release Recap: 

     New Features

  • Expanded OCI Support 

  • Plan Deletion Authorization 

  • Consistent Backups for Azure VM  

     New Enhancements

  • Server Plan Simplification  

  • Metallic Enhancements for Azure VMs 

Additional details regarding this release can be found on our release notes page. 


Great stuff!

And recent upgrades broke everything.

All exchange online jobs getting queued status and then gets committed as the 32 hrs. threshold is crossed.

SLA reached below 90 % due to this and metallic support has no clue about this. they told me , its by design.

please don't make metallic another “windows Vista “

