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Hi to everyone

I have some problems while search for Azure AD Groups into the Agg Group feature inside Content tab for One Drive Backup 


How it works? I have problems if i have group with whitespace on the name. 

IE: I have a Group with Name “Staff  Q00125: Cloud Apps” 

If I write only “Staff” in the textbox the group in returned while writing “Staff Q” nothing is returned.

How can search for groups with whitespace?

There is any possibility to use wildcard characters? I.E. “* Q00*”?


thanks for your help


Best regards 


Hi Loris 

it sounds like a problem with the cache thats hosting the names for the search. If you can let me know what ring your tenant is sitting on (just check the URL when your logged in) 

I can take a look on the backend and see if I can replicate the issue 



Hi @Ryan Carr 

After your suggestion (cache problem) I retry and actually the search with whitespaces seems to work correctly (but yesterday it never worked despite several attempts).
What about search for word inside the name of the group (or wildcard search)?

IE: “Staff  Q00125: Cloud Apps” 

It’s possible to find this group writing the keyword cloud in the search textbox of the ADD Group feature inside Content tab for One Drive Backup 


Our ring is: m107

Best regards

Hi Loris 

I’ve had a look and tested and I don't believe the search in the cache goes past the name of the AD group.


I don't believe you’d be able to search inside the group from the OneDrive Add group location.

And testing with different wildcards it doesnt look like the search function works with them

“ “ and * stops any search from happening so looks like it needs to be name specific 

