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I have a question. We are going to create a custom report, with all the Commvault reports we need. 

In our "old" reports we have a section with Admin Jobs History. I can't find such a report in the Command Center. 

Is there a report that shows me these jobs ? 


yes it is there as you can see in the screenshot, but the name is now different





This is exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't find it on the store. Was it removed again?

i’m not able to find a report for “admin*…...”


Thanks for your feedback


the report is now part of the software without any need to import what i can see on a fresh installation. 

Anyway the report name is now the following: 

Admin Job Details

Displays information about all administrative jobs that ran in the CommCell during the specified period. The report requires Metrics data collection enabled

or this one maybe 

Operational Dashboard

Dashboard to show the day-to-day operation of the CommServers. The report requires Metrics data collection enabled


for some reason i can not attach screenshots in this topic. 



thank you for your fast response Philipp. i will check it. 

