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Hi All,

Our organization is focusing on AI OPS as there next strategic move for better service delivery. We are currently evaluating the offerings from the different OEMs.

Can someone shed some light in Commvault’s standpoint in the AI-ops implementation? How can we bring in AI in the current landscape which can help in improving the delivery of service? What are the service offerings and licenses involved (if any)?



Kunwar Shashwat


This is a strong focus area for Commvault - there are elements of the product that speak to AI OPS already, but a very healthy roadmap exists. Today, we have anomaly reporting which uses ML to detect when things are out of the ordinary and report that back to the admin to take action - “Manage by exception”. There is also desired state SLA’s baked into plans that optimizes backup scheduling using ML to ensure jobs are run in the right order to ensure it meets the desired state SLA.

So there are in-roads, but as I mentioned, there is a very healthy roadmap which addresses much more powerful capabilities in this space…

Let me know if there is anything specific you are looking for, or specific capabilities your organization is interested in.

Sorry to say @Damian Andre but in all honesty I can't really say that the server plan logic is based on AI/ML technology. In case you use RPO based scheduling it still uses all kinds of schedules underneath and it is not taking into account any form of load.

I do hope to see improvements and an increase in AI adoption in the future, especially in the area of pro-active monitoring and alerting. 
