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in FR 11.20 for example I was able to modify Associations in Storage Policy Copies.

In FR 11.28 I notice, that this tab is grayed out. 

  • Can I reenable this old behavior?
  • What will happen when I Update from SP20 to FR28 with the configured settings?

br Christian

Hi Christian,

Please make sure that Disable Storage Policy for Backups option is not checked, when this option is selected, the storage policy is not listed as available when creating or editing the associations of a subclient.


Hope below documents can be helpful to know more.

Associating Subclients to a Different Storage Policy <>

Viewing Clients and Subclients That Are Associated with a Storage Policy <>









Hello Sandip, 


you do not get my point. I am asking regarding a Copy within an Strorage Policy.


Maybe this screenshot is helpful?


br Christian

I do not believe Associations is available on the Primary copy.
Check for the same on your secondary copies, it should be there.


Hi Scott,

thank you for opening my eyes 🙂

br Christian

 Associations are not available for Primary copies as you have the properties of the storage policy for the primary copy.  Associations are used for secondary copies.
