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i have started a aux copy job with 5 jobs and later i found it is selecting all the new jobs to be copied in the same aux copy 

basically i want only the jobs which are present at the time of aux copy job started to be replicated 

can i achieve it only by disabling the below pick data from running backup job 

do i need to set  QueueConflictingAuxCopyJob to 1

Hi Ajal,

Yes, please untick the option ‘Pick data from running backup jobs’. This will ensure only the jobs present on primary at the start of Auxcopy Job are copied to Synchronus copy.


You dont need to set ‘QueueConflictingAuxcopy’ setting to achieve this. This setting is intended to enable frquent replication of backup jobs to synchronus copy.

Hello @Ajal 

Aux Copies using Scalable Resource Allocation will automatically copy newly available Jobs in the existing Aux Copy job. To stop this you will need to disable this setting.

Pick new data for Scalable Resource Auxiliary Copy job -


Thank you,



@Collin Harper that mean i need theQueueConflictingAuxCopyJobsand set the value to 1.

do i need untick the pick new data option as well

Hello @Ajal 

It is optional. You will need to disable the “Pick new data for Scalable Resource Auxiliary Copy job” setting to prevent the current aux copy job from rolling in newly completed backups.

The setting “QueueConflictingAuxCopyJobs” is optional and is only to prevent additional Aux Copy jobs from spawning while the current one is running. The Aux Copy runs on a “continuous schedule” and is kicked off every 30 minutes. If an aux copy is running and the setting is not in place, additional aux copy jobs will queue in the Job Controller waiting for the current Aux Copy to finish.


System Created Automatic Auxiliary Copy Schedule Policy

  • By default, this schedule repeatedly runs an auxiliary copy job everyday, at 30 minute time intervals.

Auxiliary Copy FAQ

  • “When this Auxiliary Copy job is running to copy the selected backup jobs, if any new Auxiliary Copy job is initiated that was scheduled, then that new Auxiliary Copy job goes into Queued state and continues once the existing Auxiliary Copy job is complete.”

Thank you,

@Collin Harper  we are using separate schedule for aux copy and using selective copy so this option is already greyed out , 


any idea 

we initially selected do not select jobs automatically and then later changed it to all backup from a specifeid date and i can see this option is freyed out for this type of settings any idea 


@Collin Harper 



Hello @Ajal 

That setting only prevents data from active backups from being copied in the currently running aux copy. Since selective copies calculate the Full backup to be copied based on certain criteria defined in the Copy Policy tab, the option to copy data from running jobs is disabled.


Thank you,

@Collin Harper  see our storage policy copy had around 5 job when we start the aux copy and that job is never ending , upon checking the job in aux copy we can see more jobs are autoamtically copied to it.


and pick data from runnin backup job is already greyed out.. i have no idea where to check

Note: To prevent the Auxiliary copy jobs from picking new data for replication, add the additional setting QueueConflictingAuxCopyJobsand set the value to 1.


this make me confused ,

Hello @Ajal 

Have you disabled this setting?
Pick new data for Scalable Resource Auxiliary Copy job -


Thank you,

Which setting are you referring from below

Definition: Enable the replication of backup jobs completed during an auxiliary copy operationDefault Value: 1Range:0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)Usage:For better performance and efficiency, you can enable the feature to check for any backup jobs that completed during an auxiliary copy operation at the defined time interval and include them in the replication. The backup jobs will be picked up for replication based on the availability of streams needed for copying. The time interval can be configured in the parameter Minimum interval in minutes for picking new data for Scalable Resource Auxiliary Copy job in the current Auxiliary Copy tab.

Note: Auxiliary copy jobs that are run after enabling the parameter will pick new data for replication.

For this feature to work:

  1. Set the value for the additional setting QueueConflictingAuxCopyJobsas 0. For instructions, see Procedure section in Enabling Frequent (Timely) Replication of Backup Jobs Completed during an Auxiliary Copy Operation.

  2. Ensure that the Use Scalable Resource Allocation option is selected in the Auxiliary Copy Job Options window displayed during auxiliary copy execution.

    Note: To prevent the Auxiliary copy jobs from picking new data for replication, add the additional setting QueueConflictingAuxCopyJobsand set the value to 1.

I got it… thank you
