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Our current deployment has 4 physical MediaAgents on prem to backup to a flash array, we have an Aux Copy from the flash array to Azure which has 4 MediaAgents in Azure.  The current Aux Copy job shows Source MediaAgent as the 4 OnPremMAs and the destination as the 4 AzureMAs. 


We have recently deployed an on prem S3 with an additional 4 physical MediaAgents and have added it as a Synchronous Copy similar to the Azure Aux Copy.  The on prem S3 Aux Copy job shows one physical MediaAgent as the source and destination MediaAgent. 


One of the “new” MediaAgents was actually part of the line for the OnPremMAs at one point but was replace by newer hardware.  This one MediaAgent is the one that is showing as the Source and Destination MediaAgent.  This OldMA shows up on the Mount Paths for the flash array with Read/Write Access.

The S3 has been configured with 4 Mount Paths, one for each new physical MediaAgents and each has been shared with each of the new physicals with Read/Write Access.  


I was expecting the on prem S3 Aux Copy to show 4 OnPremMAs as the Source MediaAgents and the 4 NewMAs as the destination but I only see the one OldMA seems to be part of both groups.  I am looking for clarification and suggestions for cleaning this up.


Thank you

Hi Hearst,

How long the Auxiliary copy is running, was it started before one old MA was associated to S3 mount paths. If so then kill the aux copy job, review with S3 mount paths and make sure S3 mouth paths got read/write access only to new MA’s. And then start a new Aux copy job with max streams and review.


If still have issues, attach screenshots showing mount path access on both S3 and flash array disk libraries. And screenshot of aux copy job with streams details.

The old MA was associated with the S3 prior to the Aux Copy being started.  I am unable to allow max streams for the on prem S3 because our production plan has an Aux Copy going to Azure and needs the max streams.  The CommServe has a max of 500 stream so if both are using max streams no other jobs will be processed.  To clarify: when reviewing the S3 mount paths, I have 1 mount path per MA for a total of 4, all 4 have Read/Write access to all 4 mount paths.  Are you suggesting I make the old MA only be able to Read/Write on the other mount paths and the other mount paths only able to read from the old MA mount path but able to Read/Write on the new MA mount paths?

@Hearst yes, indeed! you should make sure all MAs have access to the same S3 mount paths with both R/W permissions. 

In that case, yes they all have Read/Write permissions on the mount paths.  The post from @Vijay Chander Gajarla sounded like I should removed Read/Write access from the mount path for the old MediaAgent.  The current Aux Copy has been running since yesterday afternoon but is limited to 100 streams and it is working but it still only lists the old MA as the source and destination MA.  When I expend the “Steams” tab I do see the mount paths for the new MAs listed as the “destination Media” but the old MA seems to be doing all the work.  Overall the copy is much slower than I had expected.

CommVault support got this sorted out for me.  The MediaAgents have a setting enabled by default, “Optimize for concurrent LAN backups,” because the Old MA has a mount path on the flash array and a mount path on the new on prem S3 all traffic was routed through the old MA.  We disabled the mount path for the old MA on the flash array and disabled all other mount path access to the old MA’s mount path and restarted the Aux Copy.  The Source MediaAgent shows  all of the MAs associated with the flash array and the Destination MediaAgent  shows all the MAs associated with the new on prem S3, the performance is also much improved.  Thank you both for your assistance.
