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all my back up jobs are failed and load showing DDB 100% we had some space issue on the DDB drive which is fixed , after that we are facing issue, also we started aux copy to metallic 



Did you encounter these problems before you ran into space issues? Your DDB lookup times are pretty high, but that still shouldn't not result in backup job failures. So, I'm wondering if you start to have issue after the volume crash that something is wrong with your DDB. If that is the case than I would consider performing a DDB recovery. 

B.t.w. from the name it appears you are hosting the DDB on a NetApp. if that is the case what kind of NetApp are you using?

@Onno van den Berg  no ddb is in physical server, we didnt have any slowness issue before, it started after it , backups are not failing , ddb verification is success , but backup is very slow , and load status for jobs are below 



Is the DDB on a NVMe/SSD drive? What kind of performance do you get when performing an IO test? If you are certain that it was ok before the volume ran out of space than I would open a ticket, so engineer can look into it and/or consider to initiate a DDB recovery. 
