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Hi All,


Request you to please provide me solution how we can Backup and restore a VM in on-premises datacenter on to the Commvault environment on AWS.

We have Commserver, Media Agents and VSA server on AWS and VMC on AWS.

Client wants to backup there 2 VM’s using the current Commvault Environment  and then Restore then to VMC on AWS.


As per my understanding can we using Media Agent and VSA on AWS to do snapshot Backup of VM’s on on-premises datacenter vcenter/exi and then restore it to VMC on AWS.


Do we need to built Media Agent and VSA server on on-premises to perform snapshot backup and then restore it to VMC on AWS.


Request you to please provide best way to achieve this activity.


Please take a look at this resource which gives information on converting VMware to AWS:

Please let me know if you have any questions

@Orazan  Thanks for the link. Can you please provide the best method to Backup the VM’s in the vCenter which is in on-premises datacenter.

As per my query i have mentioned that we already have Commvault infrastructure in AWS and VMC on AWS but we don’t have any infra in on-premises datacenter. Do we need to built any Commvault MA or VSA to backup it onto the Cloud Library or our current MA and VSA on AWS will work. 

Hi @Rahul18081 


In order to backup on premise you will need to at least have a vsa VM on premise within your hypervisor environment. If you want to use hotadd. For ndb it can be outside the hypervisor.

Depending on your connection you might be able to perform this via the media agents in AWS, but I would not want to stream a backup into the cloud. Your better of making a backup with a media agent and storage on premise (can be a VM) and after the backup aux it to the media agent in the cloud.

After the aux copy restore it in AWS from the storage policy copy in the cloud and your done 👍


@Jos Meijer I apologize but I had wrongly figured it was implied that you would need an on prem agent for on-prem backups.  We see this done several ways.  The way that you described is one, no MA in the cloud and an on-prem MediaAgent with access to the bucket, and we also see them streamed.  It usually depends on the business needs, the environment, etc.

@Orazan very true, depends on the environment. Many possibilities 🙂

To eliminate possible issues I would personally backup to on premise MA and aux to cloud MA and then restore. Or at least backup on premise and then restore directly to the cloud.

just my preference ☺️

@Jos Meijer @Orazan we don’t have any storage device in on-premises. Client is asking to use only Cloud storage. Also we only need to do this for 2 VM’s one 132 gb and 80 gb.

Please validate my plan and in case if you have other plan please provide it as plan 3 with required steps.

Plan1 :- 

  1. Domain service account will be created and integrated with vCenter to perform VM Snapshot backups.
  2.  Service account should have vCenter administrative permissions to perform Backup and Restore.
  3. On-Premises vCenter/EXI should be able to communicate with Commvault Media agents, VSA proxy servers and Commserver on AWS using port 80,443,902,8400 - 8403
  4. Once communication is established then we will configure the vCenter in CommCell using ASW VSA proxy servers.
  5. Configure Snapshot backup for both VM's
  6. Take snapshot backup for both VM's
  7. Restore VM's to VMC on AWS

Plan 2:-

  1. Domain service account will be created and integrated with vCenter to perform VM Snapshot backups.
  2.  Service account should have vCenter administrative permissions to perform Backup and Restore.
  3. Create on-premises VSA server
  4. VSA should be able to communicate with vCenter\ESXI host via port 443 and 902
  5. VSA should be able to communicate with Commserver and Media agent vi port 8400-8403
  6. Once communication is established then we will configure the vCenter in CommCell using on-premises VSA proxy server.
  7. Configure Snapshot backups for both VM’s using AWS Media Agents storage policy.
  8. Take snapshot backup for both VM’s
  9. Restore VM’s on VMC on AWS using AWS VSA proxy servers.


@Rahul18081 I would use plan 2.

This will provide hotadd, and deduplication to limit data transfer to the cloud. That bring said the vm's aren't that big, but in case you need to transfer more at a later time 🙂

@Jos Meijer Thanks for the update. Just last query please check if plan 2 is missing any step if yes please let me know. All pre-requisite are there if missing please let me know.

@Rahul18081 steps are looking good 👍 no additions. Assuming you don't need to adres routing to the cloud for vsa manually