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Hi All,


How much time it will take to move

1 TB data of data on OCI colud using 1 GBPS link.


Please provide calculation.

Hi Rahul,

For a simple data transfer calculation at that rate you can use  -



For CV backups/Aux to Cloud there will be overhead from the job so it will likely take longer than the above. But that’s a ballpark figure

@Rahul18081 besides the theoretical transfer speed there are many factors that come into play. I b.t.w. assume you are referring to a 1Gb connection and not a 1GB connection, because it makes a huge difference ;-)

If it is actually a 1GB connection than other factors come into play that can slow down the transferspeed like for example the read performance of your storage solution. Other factor might be other traffic that is transferred via the same connection which reduce the capacity for Commvault to transfer data. B.t.w. do mind if Commvault is able to copy at max. speed that you will see an increase of latency over the wire which can impact the transfer speed of other data.  
