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Backup job logs, events are gone after x days?

  • 17 February 2022
  • 3 replies



There is a problem where if I am not mistaken - failed/killed job will no longer show logs for that job or events because it is aged out. I have a situation where customer comes and asks why we had failure 7-10 days ago - and I cannot answer because I cannot view logs for that job.


I have tried to check some settings in media management>data aging and found something similar to it:
“Days to keep the failed/killed backup job and other job histories” - it has 90 days on it, but I think it’s only to show that job in the history of jobs?



Jobs “roll off” the log files once jobs that run after fill a log.  You can change the size of the log files, which allows them to hold more information, as well as increase the number of log files being retained.  You can do this either from the Process Manager on the client:

or from Additional Settings:

One thing to note...this can cause issues with disk space if you tune these settings up too high and do not have the space to support it.  

Hi @Orazan 


I think what you shared might not be the case. In your provided link it creates another file… <the file is rolled over to an additional file: <filename>_1.log.>


If it rolls over and creates new file - it should still be available to view job logs? Problem is that when the job is aged (greyed out) and you click view job logs - it says no job logs available. So I presume it is something related to aging instead of rolling over?

@benjaminas , the setting you found should do the trick; just note it is only going forward.  It won’t un-age the job history that is already purged.

The latter (view logs) are likely fore that exact reason.  As logs roll over, those entries are no longer available.

As @Orazan mentioned, you can increase the size and iterations of each log file, but the space consumption will rise quite a bit as a result.