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hey I have a spectra logic black pearl I’m trying to write backups to. The issue is i can record a data out from my commvault server of 130 Gig/s but I am seeing less then 10Meg/sec into the black pearl w/ 10 gig fiber line. It has two hops from commvault to a switch and then to the black pearl I’ve been trying to fix this for a few days now. I’ve fixed Dns Entries to they have reverse lookup and aliases. The two devices share the same Vlan. I’m not really sure what is left to try. Any thoughts or a place to start would be helpful 


Hello @Picaso 

When you say you are seeing 130Gb\s out of Commvault, where exactly are you seeing this?

From the description, it seems that Commvault is sending the data fast, but some where along the network ↔️ storage hardware something is causing a bottleneck.


Thank you,

Tracking it With solar winds and other network traffic discovery tools

Hello @Picaso 

Thanks. If you are seeing 130Gb\s out of the MediaAgent NIC but 10Mb\s into the Black Pearl NIC, the bottleneck would be between the switch the MediaAgent is connect to ↔️ the Black Pearl itself.

The only thing I can think of off the top of my head would be making sure Jumbo Frames isn’t being used. And if it is, that every NIC\Switch\Router has it enabled with the same value to avoid packet fragmentation.


Thank you,

