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Hi Team,


I have a requirement to produce the details on the last backup taken,  for roughly 400 clients.

qlist lastjob works well, but I can’t force it to accept a parameter file, as I was hoping to put all 400 clients into a text file and pass it to the q-command.


I know a lot of these Q-commands will accept a parameter via “-af  c:\temp\parmfile.txt”.

However, this cmd does not want to accept it.


Does anyone out there know of a variation, or of another CMD that would give me these results?




(and apologies for dodgy spelling in the title … can’t seem to change it)

Good afternoon.  You should be able to configure a client group for machines desired and run this report against it:!/135/660/25499

Data Protection lists the last backup job for each subclient.  

Thanks Orazan,


Looking at this now 👍
