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Hello, I am trying to configure content in O365 Exchange App.

A soon as I click on Content tab this error pops up:

I can browse my mailboxes, even select them, and click on Save button in the configuration window. But then it throws up an error and nothing happens.

There is a SQL error in AdMailboxMonitor.log:

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### **** AdMailboxMonitor.exe started with command line [-o autodiscover -a 2 -c*accessnode*8400 -refreshInterval 0 -sc 20 -cn accessnode -vm Instance001 ]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### Current directory set to [C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\Base]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### m_strVMName [Instance001]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### m_VirtualClientId [179]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### m_strVirtualClientName [*accessnode*8400]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### m_CommCellID [2]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### refreshInterval [0]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### m_AppID [20]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### physicalClientName [accessnode]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### creating mutex Global\AdMailboxMontiorInstance001_179...

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### creating mutex Global\AdMailboxMontiorInstance001_179_20...

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### Successfully created Mutex Global\AdMailboxMontiorInstance001_179_20...

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### AdMailboxMonitor::Started

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### Processing subclient 20

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### AppMgr: vm=Instance001, commCellID=2, clientID=179, appType=137, appID=20, jobID=0, ClientType=1.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### isCCSDbEnabled() - Use CCSDb Enabled [0] IsCloudLaptop [0] IsFSCoreLaptop [0]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:02 ### DBBase-SQL() - dbmethods.cpp:1410, DB Layer will use [Exec] access by default. Use SetAdminAccess API for on demand Admin access.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:03 ### Cvcl::init() - CVCL: Running in FIPS Mode

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:03 ### DetectNativeClient() - Found reg key [SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLNCLI11]. Using driver [SQL Server Native Client 11.0].

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AppMgr: vm=, commCellID=0, clientID=179, appType=137, appID=0, jobID=0, ClientType=1.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Exchange Cloud Region: [1]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Discovery will use modern authentication.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Found Azure AD connection details: Tenant:[3b59cb6b-41b2-4014-ba16-8ca9cf01d830] AppId:[c384735e-d4f4-4835-93e7-71ceea6d5575]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Found Azure AD Cloud Region: [1]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Exchange online only environment detected

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### No system accounts set

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Setup detected: Exchange online only

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Using  for LDAP

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Skipping user impersonation

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Exchange server list = .

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Shared jobResults dir C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### ---- Start job results directory cleanup ----

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Input of SP <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><App_GetRunningJobsOnExchClientReq clientId="179"/>]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Result of SP <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><App_GetRunningJobsOnExchClientResp/>]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Current time : Wed Mar 30 15:57:04 2022

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### JobResultsCleanup_State file does not exist. So assuming job results directory cleanup was not run before

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Folders older than 60] days will be cleaned up based on base time: Sat Jan 29 14:57:04 2022

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Base folder for job results directory cleanup C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\2\2] does not exist

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Error occured while traversing job specific folders

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### ---- End job results directory cleanup ----

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Shared subclient dir C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\iDataAgent\JobResults\CV_JobResults\iDataAgent\MS Exchange Virtual Agent\2\20]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### ::populateExchServerList

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### CVSimpleDB::SQLINFO() - INFO: Ambiguous column name 'userGUID'.] RecNum:1, Object:ExecuteSP, State:42000, NativeErr:209, Proc:AppEmailConfigPolicyAssocGetInfo, RowNum:1, Severity:16, LineNum:315, Spid:-1]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### CVSimpleDBConnObject::execQuery() - Failure executing SQL.

    SDB Error Code: d5].

    Error message: sINFO: [Ambiguous column name 'userGUID'.] URecNum:1, Object:ExecuteSP, State:42000, NativeErr:209, Proc:AppEmailConfigPolicyAssocGetInfo, RowNum:1, Severity:16, LineNum:315, Spid:-1] ].

    SQL Query:SEXEC ExecuteSP ?, ?....]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### DBBase-SQL() - dbcursors.cpp:335, Input parameters:

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### DBBase-SQL() - dbcursors.cpp:336, .1]::382616917]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### DBBase-SQL() - dbcursors.cpp:336, .2]::<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Ida_GetEmailPolicyAssociationReq discoverType="4" level="30"><emailAssociation><subclientEntity _type_="7" clientId="179" subclientId="20"/></emailAssociation></Ida_GetEmailPolicyAssociationReq>]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### EmailPolicyAssociation::getEmailPolicyAssociation() - Unserialize Failed. Output XMLO]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Failed to get auto discovered associations, ret code: 1

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AutoDiscover: Failed to get auto discover asscociations.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### Done processing subclient 20! status: Unsuccessful

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### START: Running Service Account Creationt20]...

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AppMgr: vm=Instance001, commCellID=2, clientID=179, appType=137, appID=20, jobID=0, ClientType=1.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### CreateServiceAccount::Skiping service account creation modern authentication is enabled..

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### END: Running Service Account Creationt20] complete.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### START: Assigning service account as group ownerso20]...

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AppMgr: vm=Instance001, commCellID=2, clientID=179, appType=137, appID=20, jobID=0, ClientType=1.

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AssignGroupOwners::Environment typenExchange Online with Azure AD (no on-premises Exchange server)]. Skipping assignment of service account as group MembersuClient id: 179]

223840 32b74 03/30 15:57:04 ### AssignGroupOwners::Failed to intialize AssignGroupOwners


I tried with two CommCells and using different O365 accounts. Same problems every time.


Since it worked before I suspect it has to be something wrong with 11.26.17.

Anyone here able to confirm this?


Configuration of SHP, Teams, and OneDrive goes smoothly.


Thank you!

Hi @euMike , thanks for the post!

I found a VERY recent case from last week with this exact issue, and there was an update provided by dev:


can you open a support case, share the details and the update number and have an engineer a) confirm the issue is the same and b) get you the update?

Also note, the update is based upon 11.26.13 which will need to installed first (but let the engineer confirm before doing anything).

Share the case number once created so I can track it for you!

Hi Mike! I had no chance to open a support case due to NFR license, but installing the latest public MR (.18) fixed the issue.

Thanks anyway!

Hey, that’s even better!