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I have two tapes that are not in the "Default Scratch" Media Group. I don't know why. and I can't move them.One media in media group "overwrite Protect media" all taks, move, the media cannot be moved as it is not a spare media

The second media is in Catalog media and I don’t have the option to move it .

these two medias were used like others medias that I use. For auxilary copies

Hi @Buda !

This should help you out.

Overwrite Protected Media can be deleted:

Regarding the Catalog Media, these are likely being used by someone to try and add deleted clients back into the CommCell:

Let me know if this helps!

Hello Mike,

I have clearly identified the content of these media. Logically these tapes must be in the group "Scratch Pool"I don't know why but after a few days I was able to reassign the tapes to the "Scratch Pool" group.


Without seeing it before and after, my assumption is that those tapes were being used for an operation (like a catalog and merge).

Once it completed, the tapes moved to scratch.
