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Hi all, 


I was wondering, if there is a easy way, to move a batch of subclients, from storage policy 1 to 3 or 4. 

My problem is following. 

We have like 3000+ VM/subclients. 

The Storage policy 1 seems to have received most subclients like 900+, when added to back-up.

The Storage policy 3 and 4, seems to have received least of subclients 150-300, when added to back-up. 

The problem, is related to a script rules, thats adds subclient to back-up. The script looks at last number of the subclienthostname and adds by that number to one of the Storage Policies. It seems numbers 1-2-3 at the end of each subclient, are mostly given to a new VM. And automaticly added to storagen policy 1.

The higher numbers are given least to the VM as a hostname. And by that, the storage policy 3-4 are almost empty.

Because of this, my first storage policy is full of subclients and my last storage policy has the least. 


Some will understand the problem. But this is what we see. 

When we run a full back-up, the storage policy 1-2 are limited by Media Agents and max streams/drives availible. The storage policy 3-4 with there Media Agents/streams/drives are doing almost nothing. 


I want to move some subclient to storage policy 3-4. If i could do this by a script or other easy way, it would help me a lot. 

Does anyone has a good idea/solution for this problem?


Kind regards, 




@Gseibak Thanks a lot. I just could not find it. 

I will try to do this in short time. 



There is an XML you can use and loop through a sub-client list.


list of parameters you can send to the XML file -



Name of the storage policy to be associated with the subclient for backup.
