Thanks a lot @Sebastien Merluzzi @Orazan @Damian Andre
The addtional setting did the trick
Please add the Additional Setting on the Commserve
Although this is published - as @Orazan mentioned, the ability was restricted for a reason, so if possible I’d use this as last resort
@TNO disregard my recommendation to open a case… The additional setting that Sebastian provided will do the trick!
Please add the Additional Setting on the Commserve
Name: bAllowModifyClientName
Category: CommServDB.Console
Value: True
Best Regards,
Good morning. The Client name is an internal unique identifier for Commvault client entities. The ability to remove it was made as Development does not want this changed as it would possibly interfere in our network identity communication in the future
The Display name has taken the place of what client name used to be. It is the user facing entity. It supports spaces, special characters.
I would recommend opening a case with our Server focus group. If it is necessary to change the client name, there may be a workaround that Development can provide.