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I was changing the permissions of a user in Commvault threw an Active Directory group. I was wondering how long it will take to synchronize from AD to CV and if I can change the sync time or start a push from Commvault to immediately start the sync.


Good afternoon.   Normally logging out and back in is enough for the changes to take place.  We authenticate directly to active directory.  

Hi Eddi,

not sure if I understood your intention correctly. I understood that you changed the permission on the AD Group using Windows security tools outside of Commvault, right? Which permission did you change on that group and what did you want to achieve with that change?


Hi Markus,

we need to change permissions for a user in Commvault from only reading to full access. The permissions are set threw Active Directory groups for each user. I can see the groups in Commvault as “external groups” if I remember it right. Yesterday we moved the user in AD from the reading group to the full access group and after around 15 minutes it still didn’t update in Commvault. That’s where I was wondering in what interval the sync from AD to CV starts.



Ok, understand. So, you are using that AD Group in Commvault to assign Commvault-specific permissions/roles to it in the CommCell, right?

Well, in that case, to update the user-specific membership of AD-groups without waiting for the regular AD sync, the user that had the group changed should log off from the CommCell and log in again as Orazan already said. That should update his group-membership in the CommCell.

If not, there is something not working properly. In that case please open a ticket with our Support to analyse the issue in detail.


