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Good afternoon,
I hope you can help me, the version of Commcell that I have is 2023E - 11.32.35, the error that I will describe also applies to the latest version 11.32.38. I have enabled MFA for a specific group, not for the admin. When that group enters from COMCELL successfully, they receive the MFA (PIN) to their email.


TThis is an example of the email that arrives in your email.


When this happens I see in the SMTPManager logs that it sends correctly and I have detected that it uses the DLL "ChilkaDotNet46.dll" located in the path: \Commvault\ContentStore\Base

So the behavior is as expected and works fine for me.


However, when I log in from the web console to obtain the PIN (MFA), I never receive the email with the PIN.

I have checked the SMTPManager log and it refers to the Chilkat license having expired. I started checking and found that it uses the ChilkatDnCore DLL, version, located at the path:  Commvault\ContentStore\WebServerCore



Users specifically need this functionality, obtain the PIN from WebServer, will there be a Fix that corrects this?

Hello @Cristian Pareja 

Thanks for the great question and all the investigation/findings you have shared!
I had a look around and i did not find any fix in the pipe line for the issue you are describing so I recommend raising a support ticket with all of the above. ( make sure to include a log set with a Commserv Database ). 

Support will very quickly move a case like this to Dev and if there are other cases already with Dev that have this issue you will be joined to the parent ticket. When more cases are added then it goes up in priority so its always best to raise a case with bugs and issues you have come across. 

Sorry i don’t have a answer for you right now and that the functionality is unavailable while you are hitting this issue but lets hope support/Dev can fix it for you ASAP.

Kind regards

Albert Williams

This is affecting me as well, wonder if this was introduced by upgrading to 11.32.38 from 11.32.28

When you know of the issue it can easily be verified with going to customization and do a send test email on any of the templates. (it will probably fail)

It will then log the chilkat error message in the WebServer.log

Opened up supportcase with ID 240117-225
