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I am registering a client using the following process


I get the following error codes: 


<clientError ErrorCode="67109714" ErrorString="Given authcode is not valid. Please provide the correct authcode to proceed with registration." errorLevel="2"/>


<SimError ErrorCode="4294967295" ErrorString="Given authcode is not valid. Please provide the correct authcode to proceed with registration." errorLevel="2"/>


I have used this authcode and I know it to be valid, what am I missing here?

Hi @christopherlecky 

Sometimes if there’s a communication issue during registration, you can see this error. Can you check SimCallWrapper.log on the client for any communication errors or attach the log here and I can have a look.

Hi Matt, 

I will send additional details in a little bit.


Thanks, for following up.

I have a ticket ID associated with this issue: 


if someone can take a look.



The CVinstall.log shows the dirty details.

@christopherlecky , can you double check that case number?

It’s correct but it’s not under my name.

initials for the user is cl

Oh, ok, that matches!

I checked the case that was created and it was closed with the following resolution:

“The auth code in the XML had a typo. Even though we have been using this package for years, we always used it as a silent install and passed the correct Auth code when calling the installer.
Because of the other issues we were having we switched from silent install to interactive install without noticing that the code in the XML was off by one letter. Once the other issues (firewall, packages and unix group) were resolved the install would have worked if not for the typo.”


It appears this issue is resolved.