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I’ve been unable to access & all morning (Australian time). and are still fine (or I wouldn’t be able to post this question).  I’ve had a couple of colleagues check from different locations and they are seeing the same. 

Any known issues?

Now getting this on is still just timing out:


All portals MA, documentation and cloud are still down. Only MA serves back a proper informative page back stating that it is down. Is is that hard to configure the load balancer to display a maintenance notification? 

Dear all,

Please be aware of an active power outage situation in Tinton Falls.

Resources located in Tinton Falls will not be available until power is restored.

Best Regards,

Sebastien Merluzzi

Are you telling us that all these portals are running in a non-redundant setup? 

There's a larger problem but I don’t have more information.

Looks like the MA portal is back online. All others are still offline. PS: Noticed everything related to Metallic was unaffected as it is hosted somewhere else. 

Looks like the MA portal is back online. All others are still offline. PS: Noticed everything related to Metallic was unaffected as it is hosted somewhere else. 

To be honest I thought it was my DNS to start with (because it's always DNS). 

Since it's now 8pm for me hopefully everything is back to normal for my business hours tomorrow. 
