Hi Jeremi,
our agent consults the Windows MSCS Cluster configuration and looks for active disk resources on the nodes of the cluster. However, it does this ONLY as part of the Windows Cluster virtual pseudo client, and it will ignore and exclude any cluster resources when using the regular (physical) Client’s File System agent that is installed/configured for the physical node.
Are you sure you are using the Windows Cluster pseudo client for backing up MS Cluster resources?
Hi @Scott Reynolds@MarkusBaumhardt
Thanks for your input! Yes, we are using the Windows Cluster pseudo client for backing up the cluster resources. It used to work too, but apparently the servers were patched after which the discovery of the cluster resources started failing.
@Jeremy I suspect the patches/changes something else was either modified or a change in the cluster itself. Might be best to open a case and have support review. Most likely would need to check Widows application logs for anything related to cluster resources either going offline or similar.
Hi @Scott Reynolds
Thanks, I’ll engage support. I’ll update this post with the solution when the issue got fixed.
Hello @Jeremy
Wanted to follow up here. Were you able to open a case? You can DM me the case number we can followup as well.
Hi @Scott Reynolds
Just DM’d you the case number.