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Hi everyone,

I would like to know if there is a list of operations that are only possible from the CommCell Console instead of the Command Center/Web Console.

Best regards,

Sergio Silva

I’m pretty sure there’s no itemized list available.


As Scott has advised, there is not an itemized list available unfortunately.


The Command Center is under active and constant development to add any missing functionalities, it will take some time, but it will get complete feature parity with the CommCell Console eventually.

Given the disparity, it amazes me that Command Center is the only option for net new customers. 

HI @Erase4ndReuseMedia , I fully understand your concerns. That is the reason why we can still access the Commcell Console on demand for FR34 when the operation requires it;

It may not be an ideal solution, but it allows to run any operations required until the Command Center receives all features available within the Commcell Console

It’s far from an ideal solution. Imagine having to tell a new customer that they need an authorization code, to use a separate Console, every time they want to schedule an ad-hoc operation.


