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Hi Together,

I am looking for some Commserve database tables (or views) that contain information about already completed Jobs.

I would like to extract the information about Exchange database jobs to collect the information about backed up databases.

Does anybody have an idea?

Thank you and regards.




Hello @Michael Seickert Have you looked at the following view?

Hi Scott,


thank you for your response. Unfortunately the commcellbackupinfo-view does not contain the required information (i.e. this would have been the case for VSA backup with index V2 … but is not true for the Exchange database agent).

A colleage pointed me to the right direction: The information ist included in the JMMisc table.





HI @Michael Seickert ,

You can also use jmbkpstats and have more informations.

Best regards,


Hi Sebastien,

thank you for this hint! There is some nice information in it and maybe I will use this in the future.

Unfortunately there is no information about Exchange Databases in this table.

Thank you & best regards.


